written by Roger E. Olson, PhD Many years ago, as I was emerging out of my fundamentalist-Pentecostal cocoon into the larger world of evangelicalism (during seminary studies at an evangelical Baptist seminary) I was helped…

written by Roger E. Olson, PhD Many years ago, as I was emerging out of my fundamentalist-Pentecostal cocoon into the larger world of evangelicalism (during seminary studies at an evangelical Baptist seminary) I was helped…
1 Timothy 4:10 is translated similarly by virtually every major English translation in speaking of God as “the Savior of all men, especially believers,” making the verse a strong proof text for unlimited atonement and…
Click on the attachment to view Tom McCall and Keith D. Stanglin, “S. M. BAUGH AND THE MEANING OF FOREKNOWLEDGE: ANOTHER LOOK”, Trinity Journal 26 NS (2005) 19-31.This article has been posted with the permission of…
This post is a response to Scott Christensen’s article “Prevenient Grace and Semi-Pelagianism”. (link) One of the main aspects of Mr. Christensen’s article is calling Arminians Semi-Pelagian. Pelagius was a heretic condemned by the early…
Another great article from the Seedbed ministry at Asbury Seminary. This article is written by Dr Howard Snyder In the thick of theological controversies and church conflicts I often think: It’s all about hermeneutics! Battles…
By Derek Ouellette in response to John Piper’s Oklahoma debacle By now you are probably aware of another tweet by John Piper which fired up an otherwise friendly Christian community (<– yes, facetious). For…
written by by Henry Knight III A common criticism of Wesley’s theology, especially from those of a more Calvinist inclination, is that it grounds salvation not on grace but human decision. This is, to put…
Here is the debate between Arminian and SEA member Dr. Michael L. Brown with Calvinist Pastor Bruce Bennett at Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Merrick, Long Island, on May 11, 2013. Note: The video contains the whole debate,…
Turretinfan and I recently debated if the bible teaches libertarian free will. I hope that you find it useful. Here was the format we used with links to the transcript: Introduction: The Bible teach…
Part 5: Taking the Mystery Out of Mr. Patton’s Strange Arguments
Patton: These two issues, human freedom and sovereign election, are not contradictory when put together, but they are a mystery.
This is the same claim Mr. Patton made in his first post called “Why Calvinism is the Least Rational Option.” We have already begun to highlight the problems with this claim.
Part 4: Returning the Favor (Reversing the Argument) Patton: To the Calvinists, man is fully responsible for his choice, yet God’s election is unconditional. This creates a problem. It creates great tension. I agree that…
Part 3: False Assumptions and Question Begging
Patton: Therefore, [according to Arminianism] God’s predestination of people is “fair” and makes sense. After all, there are too many questions left unanswered when one says that God chooses who will be saved and who will not. Why did he choose some and not others? Did God make people to go to hell? Is God fair? “Why does he still find fault, for who resists his will?”
The Arminian chooses this position because, for them, it is the only way to reconcile human freedom and God’s election.
Here is where Mr. Patton really missteps.
Part 2: Theological Imprecision and Misrepresentations
Patton: However, I think we need take a step back and see that while the shoe fits when it comes to some particular issues in Calvinism these accusations are far from forming the bedrock of the primary issues in Calvinism. You see, one of the many reasons I am a Calvinist has to do with the tension that is allowed within the Calvinistic system that is not allowed in other systems.
The central core of Calvinism primarily centers on one doctrine: predestination. While the sovereignty of God has its place, it does not ultimately determine where one lands.
This is highly debatable among Calvinists. This may be Mr. Patton’s opinion, but I think that he is probably in the minority.
C.Michael Patton is the President of Credo House. He has now written two separate and similar posts defending the “irrationality” of Calvinism as actually being a strength of the system, specifically over and above Arminianism.…
Another Calvinist Misrepresentation of Arminianism written by Roger E Olson, PhD As anyone knows who comes here regularly, I am a self-appointed defender of the truth about classical Arminianism. That often brings me into conflict…
Here is the debate between Arminian and SEA member Dr. Michael L. Brown and Calvinist Dr. James White at Southern Evangelical Seminary, February 14, 2013. You can also order the debate on high-quality DVD here.…
This article was written by Pastor Phillip M. Way, a five point Calvinist! We include it on our site because it criticizes the hyper-Calvinistic view that one must believe Calvinism to be saved, as represented…
Arminian scholar and SEA member Dr. Michael Brown debated with Calvinist scholar and apologist James White on predestination, election, and the will of God at Southern Evangelical Seminary on February 14, 2013. To order the…
Please click on the attachment to view James Beilby, “DIVINE ASEITY, DIVINE FREEDOM: A CONCEPTUAL PROBLEM FOR EDWARDSIAN-CALVINISM”, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 47/4 (December 2004) 647–58.
This is Cottrell’s response to Bruce A. Ware’s essay, “DIVINE ELECTION TO SALVATION: UNCONDITIONAL,INDIVIDUAL, AND INFRALAPSARIAN”, both in Perspectives on Election: Five Views (Ed. Chad Owen Brand; Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2006). Click on the…