A Latin expression known as ad fontes translates, literally, “to the fountains,” interpreted as “to the sources,” a command to read primary sources. Dr. Mark A. Ellis, a Calvinist pastor of a Calvinistic Baptist church,…
Author/Scholar Index: Calvinist

Roger Olson, “Review of Oliver Crisp’s *Deviant Calvinism* Part Four”
This is Part Four of my series of review essays of Oliver Crisp’s new book Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology and deals with Chapter 4 : “Augustinian Universalism.” I invite those reading the book with…

Mike Barlotta – An Ancient Theologian tackles John 6 and Romans 9
John Chrysostom, a 4th century theologian, served as Bishop of Constantinople and was known for his preaching and ascetic lifestyle. What made him a noteworthy teacher was his ability and desire to be understood by…

Michael Patton, “12 Myths About Arminianism”
C. Michael Patton runs a rather unique ministry in Oklahoma. He runs Reclaiming the Mind Ministries which includes such diverse offerings as a theological coffee house (Credo House), in-depth DVD courses taught by renowned scholars…

Roger Olson, “Review of Oliver Crisp’s *Deviant Calvinism* Part Three”
This is Part Three of my series of review essays of Oliver Crisp’s new book Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology and deals with Chapter 3 : “Libertarian Calvinism.” I invite those reading the book with…

James White Comments on a Sermon by James McCarthy, Author of *John Calvin Goes to Berkeley*
James White reviewed a sermon by James McCarthy, author of “John Calvin Goes to Berekely,” and this post will review James White’s review. The title of James White’s YouTube clip is “Radio Free Geneva: Ephesians…

Roger Olson, “Review of Oliver Crisp’s *Deviant Calvinism* Part Two”
This is Part Two of my series of review essays of Oliver Crisp’s new book Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology and deals with Chapter 2: “Eternal Justification.” I invite those reading the book with me…

Adam Omelianchuk, “Two Wills, Yes; A Will to Damn, No: A Response to Piper”
I’ve been reading Piper’s Are There Two Wills in God?; here’s a way of thinking about the issues. Consider the following argument: If the doctrine of Unconditional Election is true, then God prefers that not all…

Roger Olson, “Review of Oliver Crisp’s *Deviant Calvinism* Part One”
I have invited other interested persons to join me in this series. I will post occasional (tentatively about one chapter per week) reviews and others who read the book are welcome to agree, disagree, add…

Roger Olson, “Whetting Appetites: A Preview of *Deviant Calvinism* by Oliver Crisp”
About a week ago (late November, 2014) I announced a coming series of interactions with Fuller Seminary theologian Oliver Crisp’s new book Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology (Fortress, 2014). I encouraged those who wanted to…

Murray Vasser, “Jonathan Edwards vs. John Piper: A Critique of *Does God Desire All to Be Saved*”
According to a recent article from the Huffington Post, former evangelical pastor Rob Bell gave the following answer when asked if he was a universalist: “I have no idea what people mean. That just seems…

Please click on the link to view Eric Geiger, “THE FAITH OF A SERVANT OR A SON?”

Roger Olson, “What Did Charles Hodge Say about ‘The Decrees of God?’ (Part 2)”
In Part 1 of this series on the theology of Charles Hodge I claimed that Hodge remains the “gold standard” for Reformed theology for most American Calvinist evangelical theologians. Again, as I said there, that…

Roger Olson, “What Did Charles Hodge Say about ‘The Decrees of God?'”
First of all, who cares what Charles Hodge said about anything? Well, many conservative evangelicals care—whether they know it or not. Charles Hodge was and remains such an influential 19th century theologian that I included…

Martin Glynn, “Reponse to Jesse Morrell’s Video: Beyond Augustine”
Jesse Morrel has recently released a video where he argues that Calvinism is rooted in ancient gnostic theology. While many of you know that I am against Calvinism, I don’t completely agree with Morrel’s assessment of…

The Arminian Confession of 1621
The Remonstrants constructed their Arminian Confession of 1621 in the brief years following the conclusion of the Synod of Dort. The translator of the work below, Dr. Mark A. Ellis, states: “They intended it as…

Micah Currado, A Review of Randy Alcorn’s Book *Hand in Hand: The Beauty of God’s Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice*
The following post is a review of Randy Alcorn’s recent book, Hand in Hand: The Beauty of God’s Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice. You may also view this review in a downloadable PDF file here: A Review of…

David L. Allen, “Review of John Piper’s Chapter in *From Heaven He Came & Sought Her* – Part 2”
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of John Piper’s Chapter in From Heaven He Came & Sought Her, Part 2.” This is part 25 of Allen’s multi-part review of From Heaven He Came…

David L. Allen, “Review of John Piper’s Chapter in *From Heaven He Came & Sought Her,* Part 1”
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of John Piper’s Chapter in From Heaven He Came & Sought Her, Part 1.” This is part 24 of Allen’s multi-part review of From Heaven He Came…

David L. Allen, “Review of Sinclair Ferguson’s Chapter on Limited Atonement & Assurance in *From Heaven He Came & Sought Her*”
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of Sinclair Ferguson’s Chapter on Limited Atonement & Assurance in From Heaven He Came & Sought Her.” This is part 23 of Allen’s multi-part review of From…