Author/Scholar Index: Calvinist

Rich Davis, “The “C” in Calvinism?”

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In 2009 Time magazine ran a story entitled “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now” (Thursday, March 12). Not surprisingly, the top two spots were occupied by new trend setting thinking on career/workplace and life…

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John Piper Tweets the Atonement

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On someone’s Facebook page, I find that John Piper tweets the following: “Christ purchased holiness for the [unconditionally] elect. ‘For their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified.’ (John 17:19)” When one…

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A Calvinistic Baptist Enlightened by Jacob Arminius

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A Latin expression known as ad fontes translates, literally, “to the fountains,” interpreted as “to the sources,” a command to read primary sources. Dr. Mark A. Ellis, a Calvinist pastor of a Calvinistic Baptist church,…

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