This video can be found on YouTube here: From the video description: This is part 3 of the series, looking at Puritan Arminians and then focusing in on the early Baptist Arminian leaders, writers,…
Author/Scholar Index: Calvinist
N. T. Wright on Election in His Book *Paul and the Faithfulness of God*
This post is taken from Michael Bird’s post “N.T. Wright on Election in PFG” on his website: The section on election in Paul and the Faithfulness of God is absolutely massive! It is over 115,000 words.…
Video: More to the Story Podcast, “Reformed Arminians and Jonathan Edwards with Matt Pinson”
From the Video description: Many in the pan-Wesleyan world are unfamiliar with the broad reformed tradition. On today’s podcast, Matt Pinson and I discuss this tradition. We also talk about how Reformed Arminians read the…
Video: Review of MacArthur on Predestination
In this video, SEA members Dan Chapa, Brandon Hollen, and Chris Bastedo review a video of John MacArthur’s thoughts on predestination and free will. The video below can also be accessed on YouTube at
Roy Ingle, “Was Calvin More Biblical Than Calvinists?”
I found this piece over at Kingdom People written by Tervin Wax. The piece speaks of the various conflicting statements that John Calvin made in his writings about the atonement. The author points out that,…
Video: GotDAISY? A Response to GotQuestions’ Treatment of Arminianism
In the video below, SEA members Dan Chapa, Chris Bastedo, and Martin Glynn (one of SEA’s Vice Presidents) respond to the GotQuestions staff’s discussion of Arminianism. Using the acronym DAISY, GotQuestions summarized the 5 points…
Video: Review of James White vs. Robert Sungenis Debates on the Sacrifice of the Mass
Calvinist James White debated Catholic Robert Sungenis on the Mass and then on the sacrifice of the Mass. In the debates, Robert argued for the Mass as repeated sacrifices whereas James White used the logic…
Mark K. Olson, “George Whitefield’s Doctrine of Conversion, 1735-1740”
By Mark K. Olson. This article was a paper presented at the George Whitefield 300 Conference, Pembroke College, Oxford, in 2014. [To view the footnotes on this page, scroll down to the bottom of the…
Video: Calvinists Who Say Christ Died for All
Austin Brown joins SEA member Dan Chapa to discuss the atonement. Austin is a Calvinist who holds that Christ died for everyone. The below video can also be accessed on YouTube at
Video: Arminian Review of the Open Theism Debate Between Calvinist James White and Open Theist Tim Barber
SEA members Chris Bastedo, Richard Ellis, and Dan Chapa review the recent debate on “Does God know the future exhaustively and perfectly?” between Calvinist James White and Open Theist Tim Barber. We bring an Arminian…
Video: Debate: Is Calvinism Biblical?
In this debate, Jim Pearl takes the affirmative, that Calvinism is biblical, and he debates SEA member Chris Bastedo. SEA member Dan Chapa moderates. The video below may also be accessed on YouTube at
Video: “A (Brief) Biblical Case for Arminianism, Part 2: UN-limited Atonement, the Solution Begins”
This video was published on YouTube July 8, 2024: From the video description: Arminianism is defined by the 5 Points of Remonstrance: F – Freed to believe (i.e. Prevenient Grace) A – Atonement for…
Video: Unlimited Atonement with Jonathan McLeod
Sam Shamoun (non-Calvinist) and Turretinfan (Calvinist) recently debated Limited Atonement on Standing For Truth. In this video, SEA members Dan Chapa and Jonathan McLeod discuss the debate and add some additional arguments in favor of…
Jonathan McLeod, “1 John 2:1-2 Explicitly Denies the Doctrine of Limited Atonement”
1 John 2:1-2 “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.…
Video: Two Calvinists Debate Limited vs Unlimited Atonement
This video can be viewed below or accessed on YouTube through this link. While the debate is between two Calvinists, a “4 pointer” (Austin Brown) and a “5 pointer” (Ricardo Escobar) ,we are including it…
Mark A. Ellis, Simon Episcopius’ Doctrine of Original Sin
Please click on the link to view Mark Ellis, Simon Episcopius’ Doctrine of Original Sin (New York: Peter Lang, 2006). Author’s abstract: Simon Episcopius (1583-1643), who began his theological career as the protégé of Jacobus…
Richard Ellis, Correcting Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary on Arminius
In a previous post I critiqued a video made by Ligonier. In this article I wish to give you my notes on a different video posted by PRC Theological Seminary called “Who was Jacob Arminius.”…
Richard Ellis, Correcting Ligonier on Arminius
Four years ago, Ligonier Ministries uploaded a 1-minute-28-second video to YouTube called “Professor Jacobus Arminius.” Go ahead and watch it but be warned: for how short the clip is, the content is quite bad…
Matt O’Reilly, “Why Crazy Love is Almost Wesleyan (but not quite) #FrancisChan”
It’s been more than ten years since I first read Francis Chan’s Crazy Love, and there was much then that I appreciated about it. I’ve been reading it again and still find much to commend,…
Jonathan McLeod, “A Response to James White on 2 Peter 2:1”
Sometime ago James White, a well-known champion for Calvinists, addressed 2 Peter 2:1, offering an explanation of the text that would not undermine the doctrine of Limited/Particular Atonement. I will address each of the major…