After the passing of Kim Jong-Il, Calvinist leader Justin Taylor did a brief post highlighting how diabolical he was: It is simply baffling that Calvinists can decry the diabolical, heinous actions of Kim Jong-Il…
A Chilling Quote of John Calvin
Here is an absolutely chilling quote of John Calvin. It is hard to believe any Christian can believe such a thing: John Calvin writes: “Solomon also teaches us that not only was the destruction of…
Magic Hand-waving in the Calvinist Cause
I. Introduction This post responds to Calvinist scholar and assistant professor at Reformed Theological Seminary James Anderson’s latest rejoinder (“The Arminian Cause”) to me (specifically, to my last post: “Exposing Calvinist ‘Forgery’ in the Alleged…
Exposing Calvinist Forgery in the Paper Trail of Prophesied Prayers
Introduction: I commented (under the screen name “Arminian”) at Justin Taylor’s blog, taking issue with a cited article by John Piper that presents prayer as a cause of God’s answers to prayer in Calvinism/determinism. I…
Calvinist, Arminian, and Baptist Perspectives on Soteriology
For issue 8.1 (Spring 2011) of the Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry, on the topic of Calvinist, Arminian, and Baptist Perspectives on Soteriology, see . For information on the issue, see below from…
95 Theses
In light of the anniversary of Luther’s posting of his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany (October 31, 1517), Rebekah Reinagel, one of our members, offers 95 theses regarding…
A Challenge from Roger Olson for Calvinists
As I read Mark Talbot’s chapter on God and suffering in Suffering and the Sovereignty of God (edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor) a thought occurred to me: Since most Calvinists are harshly critical…
An Outline of the FACTS of Arminianism vs. The TULIP of Calvinism
An Outline of the FACTS of Arminianism vs. the TULIP of Calvinism by Brian Abasciano and Martin Glynn (To view this outline in a chart that sets the two positions side by side rather than…
Karl Barth the Arminian?
Karl Barth the Arminian? this post was written by Roger E Olson, PhD Okay, that would be a stretch! I’m not claiming that Barth was an Arminian in any classical or historical sense of Arminianism.…
A Theologically Based Hit Song? “I Think My Wife’s a Calvinist”
Here is a funny song of special interest to those of us interested in soteriology:
HT: Ben Witherington
A New Show? Reformed Eye for the Arminian Guy
A funny post by Calvinist Tim Challies suggesting a new TV show for the Learning Channel, Reformed Eye for the Arminian Guy.
A Movie Illustration of What’s Wrong with Calvinism
A Movie Illustration of What’s Wrong with Calvinism this post is written by Roger E Olson, PhD Spoiler alert! If you intend to watch “Ruby Sparks” (a 2012 movie now on DVD) and you don’t…
A Group of Major Southern Baptist Leaders Sign a Joint Statement against Calvinism
The Baptist Press reports, “A group of current and former Southern Baptist leaders has signed a statement affirming what they call the ‘traditional Southern Baptist’ understanding of the doctrine of salvation, with the goal of…
A Good, New, Non-Arminian, Arminian Book!
A Good, New, Non-Arminian, Arminian Book! by Roger Olson If the header confuses you, the book’s lack of admission that it is promoting Arminianism should confuse you more. (As it does me.) So what’s the…
A Brief Arminian Baptist Response to “Neither Arminians nor Calvinists but Baptist”
I just read through “Neither Arminians nor Calvinists but Baptists” and am struck by two significant aspects of the article which I think are flawed. [Note: The article in question was a response to Roger…
11 Questions on Calvinism and the Calvinist’s Worldview
This material has been taken from the Answers in Action website (from this page: Please note that the introductory paragaraph referring to the apologetic nature of the ministry refers to the ministry of Answers in Action, not SEA.
11 Questions on Calvinism & the Calvinist’s Worldview
A Letter from a Young Christian Reader of Against Calvinism
A Letter from a Young Christian Reader of Against Calvinism written by Roger E Olson, PhD I recently received this e-mail letter. It’s the best recommendation of Against Calvinism I’ve read yet. I hope you,…
What Arminians Find Offensive About the “Doctrines of Grace”
What Arminians Find Offensive About the “Doctrines of Grace” written by SEA member Roy Ingle Very often I read or hear Calvinism referred to as “the doctrines of grace.” I am not sure when or…
Calvinism and the God-as-Author Analogy
Calvinism and the God-as-author analogy written by Roger E Olson, PhD One of my faithful visitors here pointed me to the following recent essay posted to the Desiring God blog by one Joe Rigney (professor…
Contradiction Alert: Calvinist Scholar John Feinberg on Ethics
One of our members, named Robert, recently made some comments in our private discussion group about an interview that Justin Taylor did with Calvinist scholar John Feinberg, pointing out how they contradict Calvinist doctrine and draw on Arminian doctrine when they talk about ethics. His comments have been edited a little and pasted in below:
I listened to Justin Taylor’s recently posted interview with John Feinberg and heard some real contradictions between Feinberg’s views in the area of ethics and his views on compatibilism/soft determinism.
To set the stage, John Feinberg is a Calvinist who calls himself a
soft determinist/compatibilist and he presented the Calvinist view in
SOVEREIGNTY & HUMAN FREEDOM (other contributors included Pinnock,