Dr. Jerry Walls, co-author of Why I am not a Calvinist, has started a web video series called, “What’s Wrong With Calvinism”. This is part I. Here’s a description from the video’s You Tube page:…
Please click on the attachment to view James Beilby, “DIVINE ASEITY, DIVINE FREEDOM: A CONCEPTUAL PROBLEM FOR EDWARDSIAN-CALVINISM”, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 47/4 (December 2004) 647–58.
John Goodwin, “Redemption Redeemed”
Now available here online, John Goodwin’s Redemption Redeemed may be the best defense of Arminianism ever written. Published in 1651 by the Arminian Puritan John Goodwin (1593-1665), it is written in seventeenth century English with…
Glen Shellrude, “Calvinism and Problematic Readings of New Testament Texts Or, Why I Am Not a Calvinist”
Dr. Glenn Shellrude is Professor of New Testamen at Alliance Theological Seminary (NYC). He read a version of this paper at the Evangelical Theological Society’s 2010 annual meeting, and has provided us with a version…
Glen Shellrude, “The Freedom of God in Mercy and Judgment: A Libertarian Reading of Romans 9:6-29”
Please click on the attachment to view Glen Shellrude, “The Freedom of God in Mercy and Judgment: A Libertarian Reading of Romans 9:6-29”, Evangelical Quarterly 81.4 (2009), 306–318. Here is the author’s abstract: Romans 9:6-26…
Thomas Taylor, A Solemn Caution Against the Ten Horns of Calvinism
Please click on the attachment to view Thomas Taylor, A Solemn Caution Against the Ten Horns of Calvinism This work from 1819 is an open letter to John Wesley from Thomas Taylor, who composes ten…
George Bryson, The Five Points of Calvinism: “Weighed and Found Wanting”
Please click on the appropriately titled attachment to view George Bryson, The Five Points of Calvinism: “Weighed and Found Wanting”: Bryson. THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM_ WEIGHED AND FOUND WANTING Note: (1) Bryson says that…
Robert Hamilton: The Wills of God
Does God have contradicting wills? Hamilton presents an Arminian perspective on the “two wills of God”. He argues that this is a question that presents problems for both Calvinism and Arminianism. Click on the link…
Scot McKnight, “Blog Posts on Post-Calvinism”
Please click on the attachment to view McKnight, Scot. “Blog Posts on Post-Calvinism”
This file is a collection of blog posts made by distnguished New Testament scholar Scot McKnight at his blog, Jesus Creed
Thomas McCall, “We Believe in God’s Sovereign Goodness: A Rejoinder to John Piper”
This article continues McCall’s critique of a popular Calvinistic view of God’s sovereignty as represented by John Piper, which can be applied to the standard view of Calvinism, i.e., exhaustive determinism, which includes God’s unconditional…
Thomas McCall, “I Believe in Divine Sovereignty”
This article critiques a popular Calvinistic view of God’s sovereignty as represented by John Piper and can be applied to the standard view of Calvinism, i.e., exhaustive determinism, which includes God’s unconditional decree of all sin and evil.
Please click on the attachment to view Thomas McCall, “I Believe in Divine Sovereignty”, Trinity Journal 29/2 (Fall 2008) 205-226.
Q&A with Dr. Olson on Calvinism & Arminianism
City On A Hill Church in Seattle WA invited Dr. Roger Olson to be part of a “Forum on Calvinism and Arminianism,” during which over 30 of the most common questions related to Calvinism and…
Justin Taylor, “Dear Arminians”
Calvinist leader Justin Taylor has published on his blog a great post that really captures the attitude and approach of the Society of Evangelical Arminians (SEA) regarding Calvinists and Arminians receiving one another as brothers…
Roger Olson, “My Biggest Problem with Calvin/Calvinism”
My Biggest Problem with Calvin/CalvinismRoger E. Olson Professor of Theology George W. Truett Theological Seminary Baylor University Above all I want to make clear that I admire and respect my Calvinist friends and colleagues. We…
Dr. Phil Fernandes on the 5 Points of Calvinism
Dr. Fernandes, a 4 point Arminian and member of SEA, is President of the Institute of Biblical Defense. He is a Christian Apologist, Author and Pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship. Dr. Fernandes holds the following…
D. Fiske Harris, Calvinism: Contrary to God’s Word and Man’s Moral Nature
This is actually a book published in 1890 and amounting to 223 pages in the attached file. Please click on the attachment to view D. Fiske Harris, Calvinism: Contrary to God’s Word and Man’s Moral…
Calvinism’s Bold Accusation: Making A Calvinist
This post is written by SEA member, Rev Christopher Chapman A humble and hungry disciple is a wonderful thing in God’s kingdom. They are humble not because they have no pride, but because they hate…
Calvinism’s Missing Contexts- Part 1
This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. Philippians 1:29 “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him…
Calvinism’s Missing Contexts-Part 2
This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. As we search the scriptures honestly and diligently to find answers to our questions about various issues about living in God’s kingdom…
Calvinism’s Missing Contexts- Part 3
This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. Philippians 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion…