Thomas Schreiner reviewed my book, Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9.10–18: An Intertextual and Theological Exegesis for the online theological journal Themelios. His review may be found here. This is the response…

Thomas Schreiner reviewed my book, Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9.10–18: An Intertextual and Theological Exegesis for the online theological journal Themelios. His review may be found here. This is the response…
Click the link below to see John F. Parkinson’s solid and concise interpretation of Romans 9 from a non-Calvinist perspective. Please note that while Mr. Parkinson seems to approach Romans 11 from a pre-trib dispensational…
In this final post, I’ll look at the most important reason for believing any theology: why I think Arminianism is what the Scripture teaches. One thing that you may notice though is that I am…
Here I intend to go through certain Scriptural arguments that I have heard from Calvinists, as well as providing links to more extensive examination of them. In the post after this, I’ll look at the…
Security in Christ (the S in FACTS) [Cf. Article 5 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] At base, “Security in Christ” means that a person’s salvation is secure as long as he is in Christ,…
Conditional Election (the C in FACTS) [Cf. Article 1 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] There are two main views of what the Bible teaches concerning the concept of election unto salvation: that it is…
Freed to Believe by God’s Grace (the F in FACTS) [Cf. Articles 3-4 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] As we have noted, because human beings are fallen and sinful, they are not able to…
Atonement for All (the A in FACTS) [Cf. Article 2 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] As observed above, due to total depravity, no one can be saved unless God takes the initiative. The good news…
This week we are devoting each day to presenting one of the 5 points of Arminainism as represented by the acronym FACTS. These points are loosely derived from the Articles of Remonstrance, but also have…
The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace By Brian Abasciano (For a pdf file of the present article, see here.) The distinctive tenets of Arminian theology may…
James White recently discussed Matthew 23:37 on Radio Free Geneva in response to Dr. Norman Geisler’s book Chosen but Free. Here’s the passage. Matthew 23:37-39 states: 37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the…
this post is written by Seedbed author, Kirk Taylor In the rubble that filled the Jerusalem streets following the 1967 Six-Day War, archaeologists scrambled to see what the bombs had unearthed before the bulldozers came…
John 6 is a favorite passage of Calvinists to demonstrate what they believe to be the truth about irresistible grace and unconditional election. In particular, John 6:44 seems to be the go-to proof text to…
Arminians are not of one mind with regard to the doctrine of perseverance. Some Arminians see perseverance as a gift which God gives to those who respond to the gospel in faith. These Arminians believe…
The Beacon Bible Expositions is a 12 volume devotional resource on the New Testament designed to provide a systematic Bible study aid for individuals, teachers, and pastors. Includes complete KJV text. This resource may be…
The debate over eternal security among various stripes of evangelicals is unlikely to go away any time soon. Some assert that upon conversion believers are guaranteed their salvation cannot be lost. Others disagree by claiming…
Please click on the attachment to view Scot McKnight, “The Warning Passages in Hebrews: A Formal Analysis and Theological Conclusions” (published in Trinity Journal 13NS [1992] 21-59).
The following comments are quoted from the NET Bible (The Net Bible – Copyright (2004) Biblical Studies Foundation. The home page of the NET Bible is They are completely consistent with an Arminian understanding of God’s hardening of human hearts.
On Isaiah 6:10
Here are some great comments from B.J. Oropeza, who holds to corporate election, tying in corporate election with the doctrine of perseverance and Rom 8:28-39: Our perspective of 1 Corinthians 10 and Romans 9-11 calls…