The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf. Fletcher demonstrated that the Scriptures use the word “dead” in more than one way, and to understand the term…
John Fletcher on Being “Dead in Sin”
The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf. In my interactions with Calvinists the conversation always seems to go back to their conception of being dead in…
Are Arminians Semi-Pelagian?
Calling Arminians Pelagian or Semi-Pelagian is somewhat of a tradition within Calvinism. The Synod of Dort repeatedly did so, clearing the path for generations to come. I recently completed a study on John Owen’s book…
Calvinism And Free Will: An Exegetical Vindication of Matthew 23:37
The following post was first published at I decided to re-post it as it relates to the previous post regarding God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will. A few minor revisions have been made.
Arminians have long pointed to Matthew 23:37 to respond to the Calvinist doctrines of determinism, limited atonement, and irresistible grace.
Calvinism teaches that Christ died only for the elect (particular atonement), that he has decreed whatsoever shall come to pass in human history (determinism- no human free will as pertains to true contingencies), and that man has nothing to do with his own salvation (monergism), which necessitates their doctrine of irresistible grace.
Struggling With Regrets
Do you sometimes struggle with regrets? I certainly do. Part of the glory of Christianity is the forgiveness we have in Christ Jesus. We should never cease to rejoice in the fact that the blood…
Eric Landstrom, Semi-Pelagian or Semi-Augustinian?
The term “Semi-Pelagian” is often bandied about by laymen as a summary term that is descriptive of those persons who follow in the Arminian and Wesleyan theological traditions. AA. Hodge defined the term, stating: Semi-Pelagianism…
Answering Greg Elmquist’s “Four Unanswerable Questions”
The content of this post was authored by J.C. Thibodaux and is posted on his behalf. I came across a writing some time back by Pastor Greg Elmquist called, ‘Four Unanswerable Questions,’ which I’ve seen…
Synod of Dort (Part Three)
“Because the members of the regular provincial Synods could not be long absent from their respective congregations, such galloping commissions as these, endowed with ample powers, were appointed to traverse every province in which Arminianism…
J. Matthew Pinson, “Review of *Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities* by Roger E. Olson”
Arminianism; Book Reviews; General
Pinson, J. Matthew. “Review of *Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities* by Roger E. Olson” published in the Dec. 2006 issue of *JETS*.
Synod of Dort (Part Two)
It was the “ardent wish of the Calvinists only to have the company of those choice spirits of other countries that would readily coalesce with themselves in devising measures to crush Arminianism. To obtain the…
Synod of Dort (Part One)
Did God, in His sovereignty and providence, spare our beloved Arminius from the shenanigans of the Synod of Dort? I would like to think so. However, did God not also care for those who defended…
Point by Point with John Piper on Arminianism
This point/counterpoint is inspired from John Piper’s “How I Distinguish Between the Gospel and False Gospels,” a message he delivered at the 2008 Resurgence Conference. I’d like to comment on some of the statements…
Eric Landstrom, What Are Those Arminians Thinking?
How does your perception of what is and is not Arminian theology dovetail into the following true story that relates to mans’ sin nature? The great Wesley scholar, Albert Outler was once giving a lecture…
Robert E. Picirilli, “Calvinism Versus Arminianism”
Please click on the link to view Robert E. Picirilli, “Calvinism Versus Arminianism.”
Arminius on Justification
James Arminius underwent a barrage of accusations during his public ministry by strict Calvinists who were not adverse to taking their doctrines farther than even Calvin himself. Article XXV against Arminius charged him as teaching:…
Non-Calvinist Audio Links
If you have tried to search for Arminian audio resources and sermons, you know that they can be quite difficult to find. Here are some helpful links. Not all of the speakers listed would accept the label “Arminian.” Some prefer to be called “non-Calvinistic” or even “moderately Calvinistic.” Regardless of the label, they all have in common a rejection of 5 point Calvinism, particularly the ULI in TULIP.
Independent Methodist Arminian Resource Center: IMARC has some great Arminian mp3 links, including: John Wesley (sermons read by Rev. D. Crossman), Dr. Vic Reasoner (editor of The Arminian Magazine), and others. “Calvinism and the Wesleyan Message” by Jerry Walls (co-author of “Why I’m not a Calvinist”) is a must listen.
The Differences between Pelagians, semi-Pelagians, Arminians, Sub-lapsarians and Supra-lapsarians
Ever wonder what the differences between Pelagians, semi-Pelagians, Arminians, Sub-lapsarians and Supra-lapsarians are? These terms often get thrown around, and people sometimes get mad when they are labeled in one group or another. The best…
Arminius on the Doctrine of Election (An Introduction)
“Most of Arminius’ theological career was a process of discovery and Christology was at the very centre of this. Hence it would necessarily somewhat distort the picture to begin with a crystal-clear thesis . .…
Who was Episcopius?
Simon Bisscop (better known by his Latinized last name, Episcopius) was James Arminius’ student and close friend. He attended the University of Leiden when the hot debates between Arminius and Gomarus were going on. He…
Is Arminian Theology Synergistic?
For some, the debate between Arminianism and Calvinism boils down to whether salvation is monergistic or synergistic. I believe the term “synergism” is not always accurately applied to the Arminian position. The word comes from…