
Video: “What’s an Arminian?”

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From the description: In this video we look at John Wesley’s 1770 tract, “What is an Arminian?”, to conclude that an Arminian is a Christian who: – Affirms the doctrines of original sin & total…

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Antinomianism and Reformed Arminianism

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This original article can be found at the Helwys Society Forum: Some may be tempted to think the following: Since Reformed Arminians teach that apostasy may occur only by the renunciation of faith, then…

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The Arminian Magazine

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The Arminian is a theological and historical magazine published by the Fundamental Wesleyan Society. To read present and past editions of The Arminian follow the link below. More information about how to subscribe to a paper version…

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Friday Files 11/20

Friday Files: Gospel

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The Gospel is the heart of the Christian message. It is the good news of what Jesus has done for us, and, of course, the world. It is difficult to say whether the Arminian and…

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