I make no secret about it that I enjoy Charles Spurgeon. I enjoy reading Spurgeon’s sermons and I enjoy studying this great saint’s life. I even named my second child after him, Haddon Spurgeon Ingle…

I make no secret about it that I enjoy Charles Spurgeon. I enjoy reading Spurgeon’s sermons and I enjoy studying this great saint’s life. I even named my second child after him, Haddon Spurgeon Ingle…
The video below can also be accessed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/F-jH0RY9OoI.
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is some of…
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
In this essay, Watson agues that Western Christianity is on the brink of a theological revival and that Wesleyan theology has a vital role to play. Please click on the link to view David F.…
When I began reconsidering Calvinism in 2016, by far the hardest doctrine to let go of for me was Perseverance and Preservation of the saints or Unconditional Eternal Security of the Believer. I know Baptist…
The video below can also be accessed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/6wn4PA8TKNE.
This video can be found on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/M5C66IJM9kc?si=Ow0WnYik3zSglNiT From the video description: Part 4 looks at the Methodist revivals, Arminian doctrine as their motivation, and then the Arminianism of early Methodists John & Charles…
This video can be found on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/m8whGpeygK0?si=R3YjjXjs7MzYdWP1 From the video description: This is part 3 of the series, looking at Puritan Arminians and then focusing in on the early Baptist Arminian leaders, writers,…
This video can be found on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/ChrxmhIz5LA?si=jKcyMFcfkCmcNxr4 From the video description: This is part 2 of the series, looking at the remonstrant connections to English anti-Calvinists, and the question of how Arminianism, named…
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
This video can be found on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/gjd-7Ea6E54?si=BglDXmBFTZVf From the video description: This series will walk though Arminian history, beginning with Arminius and moving to Arminian denominations today. Part 1 begins with Arminius’ influences…
From the Video description: Many in the pan-Wesleyan world are unfamiliar with the broad reformed tradition. On today’s podcast, Matt Pinson and I discuss this tradition. We also talk about how Reformed Arminians read the…
Pat Petel recently critiqued the Arminian view of Total Depravity. In this episode, SEA member Dan Chapa and Pat discuss the differences between Arminians and Provisionists regarding Total Depravity. The video below can also be…
It is estimated that John Wesley traveled around 250,000 miles and preached over 40,000 sermons in a span of 66 years. This series by Mark K. Olson, taken from his website Wesleyscholar.com, includes summaries and links…
How is it that an Arminian and a Calvinist can both read from the same Bible and yet both come to very different opinions on many portion of Scriptures? Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other cults…
In the video below, SEA members Dan Chapa, Chris Bastedo, and Martin Glynn (one of SEA’s Vice Presidents) respond to the GotQuestions staff’s discussion of Arminianism. Using the acronym DAISY, GotQuestions summarized the 5 points…
Jacobus Arminius died on October 19, 1609. The infamous Synod of Dort convened in 1618-1619, a full nine years after the death of Arminius. The Articles of the Remonstrants were written in 1610 and debated…
This video was published on YouTube September 14, 2024: https://youtu.be/MvgboHyfjlw?si=MyYQJbmiwVxGVmGP From the video description: In 1610, the Remonstrants of Holland presented five Articles which came to define “Arminianism”. From Part 4 “Election is Conditional &…
This video was published on YouTube August 31, 2024: https://youtu.be/MKR9_HdA21k?si=XxnwuxEcFBrKaaTl From the video description: In 1610, the Remonstrants of Holland presented five Articles which came to define “Arminianism”. From Part 3 “Freed to Believe by…