H. Orton Wiley on Prevenient Grace Extended quotation provided by SEA member Roy Ingle PREVENIENT GRACE Before taking up the discussion of prevenient grace, it may be well to call attention to the fact that…

, drwayman , No Comment
H. Orton Wiley on Prevenient Grace Extended quotation provided by SEA member Roy Ingle PREVENIENT GRACE Before taking up the discussion of prevenient grace, it may be well to call attention to the fact that…
by Brian Abasciano Unfortunately, there are not a lot of good options for a contemporary comprehensive Arminian systematic theology text. Arminians tend to focus on exegesis more than systematic theology. So there are a number…
, Kevin Jackson , Comment Closed
Here’s a new free online resource: Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library. It is sponsored by the Nazarene church. There are resources in multiple languages. Some of the free resources include: H. Orton Wiley’s systematic theology: Christian…
, SEA , Comment Closed
H. Orton Wiley on the Universal Scope of the Atonement
provided by SEA member Roy Ingle
The following is taken from Dr. H. Orton Wiley’s book Introduction to Christian Theology (pp. 234-235):
The atonement is universal. This does not mean that all mankind will be unconditionally saved, but that the sacrifice offering of Christ so far satisfied the claims of the divine law as to make salvation a possibility for all. Redemption is therefore universal or general in the provisional sense, but special or conditional in its application to the individual.
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