It is sometimes said of God, that, being infinite and perfect, he is beyond the reach of emotionality; in other words, is an “impassive” existence, a being without feeling. The truth seems to us to…

, drwayman , Comment Closed
It is sometimes said of God, that, being infinite and perfect, he is beyond the reach of emotionality; in other words, is an “impassive” existence, a being without feeling. The truth seems to us to…
, drwayman , Comment Closed
Humanity demands a [personal] God who can thus be recognized and worshiped. The instinct of reverence and homage, which evidently pervades the human heart, so much so that it has found its place as an…
, drwayman , Comment Closed
Properly speaking, or perhaps we should rather say, in this case, psychologically speaking, man’s will can never die. A will is essential to man’s nature, as it is to the nature of every moral being.…
, drwayman , Comment Closed
It is interesting to see how many passages there are in the Scriptures which speak of God’s protection of animals, even of those which are the least considerable. He takes care of the cattle of…
, drwayman , Comment Closed
There are different degrees of union with the Divine Will, some of which it may be proper to notice and discriminate. 1. Union With God in Submission The first degree may be described as union…
, drwayman , Comment Closed
How can we obtain the basis of love which unites our will with God’s will? How can we be made to possess that which we are not possessed of, by being made to love that…
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed