This was my capstone paper for my Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. It received the 2017 Stanley M. Horton award for best seminar paper. (Stanley M.…

This was my capstone paper for my Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. It received the 2017 Stanley M. Horton award for best seminar paper. (Stanley M.…
From the video’s YouTube page, where the video may also be accessed in addition to here: This is a lecture by Dr. A. Chadwick Thornhill of Liberty University concerning the Jewish roots of Paul’s election theology.…
Election is an idea and a doctrine that confuses many, delights others, and divides the church. For some it is the ultimate expression of God’s sovereignty while for others it is the ultimate expression of…
[This post was taken from Scot McKnight’s Blog, where comments can be made.] Klein’s Conclusions and Questions on Election, by Chad Thornhill In The New Chosen People, William Klein challenges the view that “election” in…
I hope to have demonstrated the value and necessity of placing Paul’s election language back in its original context, which was a decidedly Jewish one. As we reviewed the Jewish literature, we discovered a view…
[This post was taken from Scot McKnight’s Blog, where comments can be made.] By Chad Thornhill, PhD Chair of Theological Studies, Director of the MA in Christian Apologetics, Assistant Professor of Apologetics and Biblical Studies [all at Liberty University],…
BEN: In terms of the modus operandi of this book, one of the basic approaches you take is to argue that if an idea is not found elsewhere in early Jewish literature, then it is…
[This post was taken from Scot McKnight’s Blog, where comments can be made.] By Chad Thornhill, PhD Chair of Theological Studies, Director of the MA in Christian Apologetics, Assistant Professor of Apologetics and Biblical Studies [all at Liberty University],…
BEN: The discussion in chapter six about the heavenly tablets in Jubilees and their relationship to the book of life and the book of destruction is especially interesting in light of the discussion in Revelation…
BEN: In Chapter 5 it becomes clear that early Jews mostly thought that election was conditional, and the condition was faithfulness to the Mosaic covenant and its Law. You quote deSilva approvingly as follows “fidelity…
BEN: Chad in this chapter you talk about the ‘limited non-nationalistic understanding of election’ (p. 135) as permeating early Jewish literature. By this I take you to mean that Jews did view themselves as God’s…
BEN: One of the greatest difficulties to overcome in trying to get people to see the Bible with ancient rather than modern assumptions, is the problem of modern radical individualism warping the way we read…
BEN: One of the things that surprised me about your response about the covenants is that it does not reflect the work of various OT scholars, like Meredith Kline, who made quite clear how similar…
One of the most important books I have read in a long time in regard to the theology of election in Paul’s letters is the recent book by Dr. Chad Thornhill of Liberty entitled The…
Few issues exist in the interpretation of the New Testament which can become as contentious as questions of “sovereignty” and “free will.” Various terms like “election,” “predestination,” “foreknowledge,” etc., get thrown around in these discussions.…
Please click on the attachment to view Anthony Chadwick Thornhill, “To the Jew First: A Socio-Historical and Biblical-Theological Analysis of the Pauline Teaching of ‘Election’ in Light of Second Temple Jewish Patterns of Thought.” This…