From the New York Times, posted online January 3, 2014: Mark Oppenheimer, “Evangelicals Find Themselves in the Midst of a Calvinist Revival”. Arminian theologian Roger Olson is quoted in the article, and tomorrow, we will be…
Olson, Roger
Roger Olson, “Can a Calvinist Pray for His Child to Be ‘Elect?'”
Recently I heard of a well-known Calvinist pastor, author, speaker, who, on a podcast, testified that he often goes into his little son’s bedroom after he’s asleep and prays over him that he be among…
Roger Olson, “Was Arminius an Arminian? (Report on A Vigorous Discussion)”
Yesterday (Nov. 24, 2013) I participated in a vigorous and invigorating panel discussion (followed by questions from the scholarly audience) about Arminius. The focus of the discussion was two new books about Arminius. (I have…
Dispelling a Delusion about the Subjunctive Mood
(Why Saying I Would Not Worship God “If”…Is Not Insulting to God)
Written by Dr. Roger Olson Ever since I said here that if God were the God described by TULIP and the God of divine determinism, the author of sin and evil, I would not worship him…
Roger Olson, “My Response to Two Books about Arminius”
Response to W. Stephen Gunter, Arminius and His Declaration of Sentiments and Keith D. Stanglin and Thomas H. McCall, Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace Roger E. Olson These two books are significant contributions to what I call the…
An Interesting Comment on Roger Olson’s Call for More Attention to Theology among Arminians
This comment was left by someone identified as Will at Roger Olson’s blog on his post, “Needed: Robust Arminian Theology for Lay People (Especially Youth)”: I completely agree. I just want to say thanks Roger…
Roger Olson Q & A Session after His Lecture “Why Calvinism is Not a Transcript of the Gospel”
Arminian theologian Dr. Roger Olson, Foy Valentine Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics at Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University, spoke at Assembly of God Theological Seminary on November 11, 2013 on the topic “Why Calvinism…
Roger Olson, “Why Calvinism Is Not a Transcript of the Gospel” (Video)
Arminian theologian Dr. Roger Olson, Foy Valentine Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics at Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University, spoke on Monday, November 11, 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the William J. Seymour…
Roger Olson, “Needed: Robust Arminian Theology for Lay People (Especially Youth)”
As most people who come here know, a “new Calvinism” movement (some prefer to call it “neo-Puritanism” and others call it the “Young, Restless, Reformed” movement is spreading like wildfire among evangelical Christians, especially young…
Roger Olson, “Must One Agree with Arminius to be Arminian?”
I will be responding to two new books about Arminius at the upcoming annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion. The session is A24-274 Evangelical Studies Group and Open and Relational Theologies Group (joint…
Roger Olson, “A Dip into the Depths of the Doctrine of God: Discussion of the Non-Competitive View of Divine and Human Agencies”
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] Recently I posted here an imaginary conversation between a Calvinist and an Arminian—about God’s sovereignty. At one point I inserted a common comment made by especially intellectually…
Response to Dr. Olson on Middle Knowledge
Dr. Roger Olson has repeatedly publicly objected to the doctrine of middle knowledge.[1] His basic objections are that middle knowledge amounts to determinism, makes God the author of sin and is a form of Calvinism…
Why Some Arminians Believe Molinism Is Incoherent
[This post was taken from here, where comments can be made, and was originally a comment on this Roger Olson post.] Very nice essay, Roger. You’ve put your finger on a key internal tension within…
Roger Olson, “Are Arminian Theology and Middle Knowledge Compatible?”
[This post was taken from here, where comments can be made.] One of the most basic impulses of Arminianism is that God is not the author of sin and evil—even indirectly. On this virtually everyone knowledgeable…
An Arminian Ordo Salutis (Order of Salvation)
written by Roger E Olson, PhD I was recently asked here to provide an Arminian order of salvation (ordo salutis). First, what is an order of salvation? In theology the technical term is “ordo salutis.”…
Roger Olson, “Calvinism Appearing in Unexpected (and Inappropriate) Places”
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] Due to the rise of what my friend Scot McKnight calls “neo-Puritanism” (what others have labeled “the new Calvinism” or just “resurgent Calvinism”) TULIP Calvinism is popping…
Excellent New Book about Calvin and Wesley
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] by Roger Olson A few months ago Abingdon Press (the United Methodist publisher) sent me the manuscript of a forthcoming (now published) book by my friend Don Thorsen…
The Calvinist Definition of Sovereignty Is Idiosyncratic
In the comment section of his post, “A Conversation between a Calvinist and an Arminian about God’s Sovereignty”, Roger Olson made this incisive comment (which, for reproduction here, has been very slightly edited for typos): There…
A Conversation between a Calvinist and an Arminian about God’s Sovereignty
written by Roger E Olson, PhD Calvinist to Arminian: “You Arminians don’t really believe in God’s sovereignty.” Arminian: “You Calvinists don’t really believe in God’s love.” Calvinist: “Oh, but we do. You’re so wrong! The…
Roger Olson, “A Non-Calvinist, Relational View of God’s Sovereignty”
I gave this talk at this week’s Missio Alliance gathering in Alexandria, Virginia. For those who are watching me carefully (from the Arminian camp) I must say I make no claim for this being “the” Arminian view. It is simply my view and I’m an Arminian.
“A Relational View of God’s Sovereignty” by Roger E. Olson