Please click on the link to view the booklet Hold Fast: Hebrews 6:4-6 and the Possibility of Apostasy by Robert E. Picirilli from from Hopeway Publishing. From Hopeway’s description of the booklet: Hebrews is a…

Please click on the link to view the booklet Hold Fast: Hebrews 6:4-6 and the Possibility of Apostasy by Robert E. Picirilli from from Hopeway Publishing. From Hopeway’s description of the booklet: Hebrews is a…
[Please Note that SEA does not take an official stance on Molinism. Members can hold to Molinism or reject it. We do have some members who hold to Molinism and many who do not. Our…
From the show description: On today’s episode we welcome special guest Dr. Robert Picirilli, former Dean and Professor at Welch College and former Freewill Baptist minister who has written extensively on how Calvinist doctrine is…
In this video, Dr. Robert E. Picirilli (author of Free Will Revisited: A Respectful Response to Luther, Calvin, and Edwards and Grace, Faith, Free Will: Contrasting Views of Salvation Calvinism & Arminianism) and Nicholas Noyola…
[Please Note that SEA does not take an official stance on Molinism. Members can hold to Molinism or reject it. We do have some members who hold to Molinism and many who do not. Our…
[Please Note that SEA does not take an official stance on Molinism. Members can hold to Molinism or reject it. We do have some members who hold to Molinism and many who do not. Our…
[Please Note that SEA does not take an official stance on Molinism. Members can hold to Molinism or reject it. We do have some members who hold to Molinism and many who do not. Our…
[Please Note that SEA does not take an official stance on Molinism. Members can hold to Molinism or reject it. We do have some members who hold to Molinism and many who do not. Our…
Dr. Robert Picirilli joins the Better Together Podcast to discuss Free Will Baptist theology. Dr. Picirilli has written two books specifically dealing with Free Will Baptist theology and distinctives. Please click here for the…
Please click on the link to read Dr. Steve W. Lemke’s review of Free Will Revisited: A Respectful Response to Luther, Calvin, and Edwards by Arminian scholar Robert E. Picirilli. This review is published in…
Free Will Revisited is a book by Robert E Picirilli, a Free Will Baptist theologian and professor emeritus of Greek and New Testament studies at Free Will Baptist College. As the title suggests, the book is…
Opening my inbox, I saw an email that caused me to pause. The subject line was Arminian Theology and the author was Robert Picirilli. Expecting anything but an email from the noted theologian of that name, I clicked…
Please click on the link to view Robert E. Picirilli, “Hebrews 6:4-6 and the Problem of Apostasy,” Dimension (Fall 1985) 5-11.
Robert E. Picirilli, “Toward a Non-Deterministic Theology of Divine Providence,” Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry (Spring 2014) Volume 11.1, 38-61. (The original article and the entire journal issue in which it appeared may be found here.)…
Salvation by Grace Through Faith, and Its Implications for Eternal Security by forlinianslip A judge of evangelical orthodoxy has been the Pauline maxim, “Salvation by grace through faith.” Arminians have consistently understood this as God’s…
Romans 9 is possibly the most cited passage in the whole Biblical corpus, used to enunciate the Calvinistic doctrine of unconditional election. Often though, the exegesis seems sloppy and the extrapolations hasty. I have put…
I. Howard Marshall finds four biblical dangers that could serve as precursors to a believer giving up their faith in Christ and committing apostasy. Persecution by Unbelievers – “Believers . . . are frequently tempted…
Please click on the attachment to view Robert E. Picirilli’s response to open theism in his article entitled, “AN ARMINIAN RESPONSE TO JOHN SANDERS’S THE GOD WHO RISKS: A THEOLOGY OF PROVIDENCE“, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 44/3 (September 2001) 467–91.
1 John 2:2 and “the World” This post was written by SEA member, Roy Ingle Calvinists insist that the word “world” in 1 John 2:2 cannot possibly mean “the whole world” but instead they take…