Conditional Election (the C in FACTS) [Cf. Article 1 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] There are two main views of what the Bible teaches concerning the concept of election unto salvation: that it is…
Author/Scholar Index: Arminian
The FACTS of Salvation
F: Freed to Believe by God’s Grace
Freed to Believe by God’s Grace (the F in FACTS) [Cf. Articles 3-4 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] As we have noted, because human beings are fallen and sinful, they are not able to…
The FACTS of Salvation
A: Atonement for All
Atonement for All (the A in FACTS) [Cf. Article 2 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] As observed above, due to total depravity, no one can be saved unless God takes the initiative. The good news…
The FACTS of Salvation
T: Total Depravity
This week we are devoting each day to presenting one of the 5 points of Arminainism as represented by the acronym FACTS. These points are loosely derived from the Articles of Remonstrance, but also have…
Steve Sewell, “Abraham, A Key to Understanding Election”
The doctrine of election causes a lot of confusion for a lot of Christians. So much so, that we have two major opposing positions on what election is and how it works. Calvinism represents one…
Steve Sewell, “Come to Me All….(Matthew 11:28-29)”
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you…
G. H. Clark Claims God Creates Sin
This one is Isaiah 45:7: “I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” This is a verse that many people do not know…
Calvinism’s Problems with Total Depravity
This post will be an attempt to add some detail to earlier comments about problems reconciling Calvinism and total depravity using John Hendryx’s post as an example (here). To my knowledge, it’s a new argument…
Some Brief Notes on the FACTS Write-up
by Brian Abasciano I just wanted to share some brief notes about my article, “The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace,” recently published here at the website of the Society…
The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace
The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace By Brian Abasciano (For a pdf file of the present article, see here.) The distinctive tenets of Arminian theology may…
Hebrews 10:14 – “He has Perfected Forever”
Calvinists often site Hebrews 10:14 as teaching limited/definitive atonement. Specifically, the perfect tense of “has perfected” indicates our perfecting took place in the past – it’s settled and done with, though it has lasting results…
Arminius on the Word of God
this post is provided by SEA member, Roy Ingle DISPUTATION V ON THE RULE OF RELIGION, THE WORD OF GOD, AND THE SCRIPTURES IN PARTICULAR I. As religion is the duty of man towards God,…
Ben Witherington III, “Why I’m Not a Calvinist”
this video, distinguished New Testament scholar Ben Witherington shares his reason why he’s not a Calvinist. You can also view the video at Dr. Witherington’s blog, where he interacts with commenters. Youtube:
Arminius on the Attributes of God From the Viewpoint of His Will
James White on Matthew 23:37
James White recently discussed Matthew 23:37 on Radio Free Geneva in response to Dr. Norman Geisler’s book Chosen but Free. Here’s the passage. Matthew 23:37-39 states: 37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the…
James White on 2 Peter 3:9
In James White’s book, The Potter’s Freedom 1, he objects to Norman Geisler’s use of 2 Peter 3:9 in his book Chosen But Free 2. Here’s the passage. 1 Beloved, I now write to you this second…
James White on Romans 8:28-30
In James White’s book, The Potter’s Freedom1, he argues for unconditional election based on Romans 8:28-30. Here’s the passage: Romans 8:28-30: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,…
Roger Olson, “A Dip into the Depths of the Doctrine of God: Discussion of the Non-Competitive View of Divine and Human Agencies”
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] Recently I posted here an imaginary conversation between a Calvinist and an Arminian—about God’s sovereignty. At one point I inserted a common comment made by especially intellectually…
Middle Knowledge and Arminianism Are Compatible: A Response to Roger Olson
This post was written by SEA member Adam Omelianchuk specifically for SEA What exactly is the problem that Roger Olson has with Molinism? Answer: it collapses into determinism. But it isn’t clear what he means…
Response to Dr. Olson on Middle Knowledge
Dr. Roger Olson has repeatedly publicly objected to the doctrine of middle knowledge.[1] His basic objections are that middle knowledge amounts to determinism, makes God the author of sin and is a form of Calvinism…