Author/Scholar Index: Arminian

Something For Calvinists to Chew On

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I’ve been reading the latter part of the Old Testament and something really interesting occurred to me. God spends so many chapters complaining about all the evil that Israel and Judah have been doing and…

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A Profound Tweet by Drew McIntyre

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A number of people have enjoyed this statement tweeted by Drew McIntyre: “I am an Arminian because I find God’s love a more compelling character trait than power or glory.”

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Romans 9 in Context (John F. Parkinson)

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Click the link below to see John F. Parkinson’s solid and concise interpretation of Romans 9 from a non-Calvinist perspective. Please note that while Mr. Parkinson seems to approach Romans 11 from a pre-trib dispensational…

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Only Paul [Satire]

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What was the purpose and extent of the atonement? Was it to merely make salvation possible for all and secure it for none? Or was it to definitely secure salvation for Paul? After setting aside…

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The Calvinist – A Harmless Parody

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This was originally posted at  If you have not seen the original video then watch it first: This is a parody and is done in brotherly love not out of spite (although it requires…

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