Author/Scholar Index: Arminian

God’s Exploitation of the Devil’s “Thorns”

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God’s sovereignty should never be seen as unilaterally determining or decreeing the evil actions or intentions of free agents (human or demonic) before the foundation of the world. Rather God’s sovereignty is best understood as…

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God’s Sovereign Choice

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“You Arminians deny the sovereignty of God and you want all the credit for your salvation. You want man to play his part so that God doesn’t get all the glory.” These are common arguments…

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Child Evangelism and Calvinism

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This post taken from SBC Today addresses the need to help children of Calvinists who are confused about The Gospel. For example, it shares: “A tween who had renounced her former profession of faith was…

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Degrees of Union with God’s Will

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There are different degrees of union with the Divine Will, some of which it may be proper to notice and discriminate. 1. Union With God in Submission The first degree may be described as union…

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