Author/Scholar Index: Arminian

Accepting/Rejecting Calvinism (Pt. 13: Calvinism, Church History, and Prevenient Grace)

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This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…

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Accepting/Rejecting Calvinism (Pt. 12: Free Will)

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This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…

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Accepting/Rejecting Calvinism
(Pt. 10: Molinism)

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This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…

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Accepting/Rejecting Calvinism
(Pt. 9: The Potter)

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This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…

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Accepting/Rejecting Calvinism
(Pt. 3b: The Paper)

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This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…

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