In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner answers the question, “What in the world is God going to do?” In this series Dr. Reasoner will be focusing on major prophetic sections of the Scriptures…

In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner answers the question, “What in the world is God going to do?” In this series Dr. Reasoner will be focusing on major prophetic sections of the Scriptures…
Calvinism teaches that if you freely chose to believe in Christ, while others did not, then you’d have something to boast about before God. In other words, you could claim to be better and smarter…
Atonement The reason why Jesus Christ is the only way to God, as per John 14:6, as it relates to the New Covenant, is the fact that there is no solution to human sin apart…
Please click on the link to read W. Stephen Gunter, “John Wesley, a Faithful Representative of Jacobus Arminius” (2007), available online in PDF from The Oxford Institute of Methodist Studies: JOHN WESLEY, A FAITHFUL REPRESENTATIVE…
Please click on the link to read Thomas A. Noble, “Grace and Election in the Theology of John Wesley and T.F. Torrance”, available in PDF online from Participatio: Journal of the T. F. Torrance Theological…
Author of Sin This charge first appeared in the affirmative by the Gnostic, Florinus (c. 180), which was immediately attacked by Irenaeus (130-200) a church father, who published a discourse entitled: “God, not the Author…
Dr, Bob Utley provides free exegetical Arminian commentaries on the whole Bible online in 48 Languages at Free Bible Commentary and Bible Lessons International. Please be aware that Dr. Utley sometimes portrays himself as taking…
If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Apple Podcasts This is the third episode in a series where Dr. Vic Reasoner answers the question, “What in the world is God going to…
Please click on the link to read T.A. Noble’s review of Sufficient Saving Grace: John Wesley’s Evangelical Arminianism, by Herbert Boyd McGonigle (Paternoster, 2001), from Themelios, Volume 31 – Issue 1: SUFFICIENT SAVING GRACE: JOHN…
Please see the attachment here: Forlines on the Arts_ In describing the profound impact of F. Leroy Forlines (1926-2020) on students, pastors, and laypeople, one writer said that “his most valuable contribution was a…
Valley Baptist Missions Education Center, the Rio Grande Valley Baptist Association and Bible Lessons International invite you to their monthly Pastors’ meeting. How is the church to navigate such a divided and polarized world? How…
If you cannot see the player above follow one of these links: Apple Podcasts or Stitcher This is the second episode in a series where Dr. Vic Reasoner answers the question, “What in the world…
[Editor’s note: This is an excerpt of a book by a Traditionalist/Provisionist author and an Arminian (see the reference at the end of the article). SEA publishes a variety of perspectives and sometimes non-Arminians when…
If you cannot see the player above follow one of these links: Apple Podcasts or Stitcher This is the first episode in a series where Dr. Vic Reasoner answers the question, “What in the world…
John 10:25-30 is one of the favorite passages by Calvinists who believe in eternal security. Somehow they believe that Arminians either don’t believe in this passage or that Arminians ignore what Jesus is teaching since…
[Editor’s note: This is an excerpt of a book by a Traditionalist/Provisionist author and an Arminian (see the reference at the end of the article). SEA publishes a variety of perspectives and sometimes non-Arminians when…
Here are links to the remaining episodes in the Christian Roots Series where Dr. Vic Reasoner takes a journey through Church History. If you cannot see the players below follow one of these links: Apple…
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
‘Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon…
[Editor’s note: This is an excerpt of a book by a Traditionalist/Provisionist author and an Arminian (see the reference at the end of the article). SEA publishes a variety of perspectives and sometimes non-Arminians when…