Aaron Jacob Smith (1887-1960) was brought up in a Christian home and professed to have been converted in 1907. Five years later he attended college at University Park, Iowa and professed to be sanctified. He…

Aaron Jacob Smith (1887-1960) was brought up in a Christian home and professed to have been converted in 1907. Five years later he attended college at University Park, Iowa and professed to be sanctified. He…
Adam Clarke was once considered a dunce, yet he learned twenty languages. He overcame his fears to become the most able biblical scholar of his time in the English-speaking world. When he died the Conference…
One of the most influential concepts of Calvinism is spiritual deadness.97 Whereas non-Calvinists speak of humanity as being lost and in need of a Savior, Calvinists speak of humanity as being dead and in need…
I have been a Christian for almost fifteen years now and in my time as a disciple of Jesus, I have seen many people come and go. I have seen fads come and go. I…
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about various sermons by John…
In this video, Dr. Thomas McCall and Dr. Keith Stanglin (co-authors of Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace and After Arminius: A Historical Introduction to Arminian Theology) and Nicholas Noyola discuss: 01:15- Favorite Living Theologian and…
Compatibilism is a Calvinist doctrine which attempts to harmonize divine determinism and human free-will. Calvinists often use this term to claim that they, too, believe in free-will, that is, “compatibilistic free-will.” Unfortunately, though, it is…
Please click on the link to read Fred Sanders, “The Mind of William Burt Pope (1822-1903)”, available from the author’s blog: The Mind of William Burt Pope (1822-1903) Related Posts from SEA: William Burt…
Church Splits occur when a significant portion of a church leaves to form a separate church. Calvinism is a common cause of such splits. It usually occurs when a new pastor is hired and conceals…
While scanning both book lists and library shelves, I was rather startled at the absence of material on restitution. Many volumes have been written on various subjects and many have been “beaten to death” by…
Richard S. Taylor states in his book A Right Conception of Sin that the doctrine relating to sin forms the center around which we build our entire theological system. A faulty concept here would lead…
If there was a decree by which every thought, word and deed for all humanity was predetermined, then all of our choices would not be independently our own, and without independent choices, you could have…
The grace of God that comes to a person before the new birth to awaken and arrest him to unseen realities and causes him to see his sinfulness and helpless estate is sometimes call prevenient…
We may pray until we are blue in the face that God will bless our activities and put his approval on our machinery, but God cannot bless what is out of conformity to His Word.…
Our Scripture lesson is found in Ephesians 5. I am reading only one sentence, but it goes through four verses. Beginning with 5:18, “And be ye not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be…
Causation (first and second causes) If your question to Calvinists includes, “Did God decree (insert real situation)”, then the answer is “Yes,” but which Calvinists wish for you to consider from the perspective of First…
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about various sermons by John…
“Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear” (Hebrews 12:28). The writer here has given us a comparison of…
In trying to address this subject, I realize that not everyone will agree with the basic premise that there is such a state as an awakened man. I shall not try to defend this position,…
The term “Calvinism” is based upon the systematic soteriology of a man named John Calvin. (1509-1564) Ironically, though, he attributes his theology from another man named Augustine. (354-430) John Calvin: “Further, Augustine is so much…