Author/Scholar Index: Arminian

Roy Ingle, “Mistaking Arminianism”

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Arminianism is often given a bad reputation but not because those who oppose Arminianism necessarily find fault with the theology itself as much as they find fault with the presentation of so called Arminianism in…

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Friday Files!

Friday Files: Jacob Arminius Himself

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Presenting the Friday Files, SEA’s regular look though our archives, ’cause we have a lot of cool things in there. And now we’re gonna do it a little differently: Topically. Starting with Jacob Harmenszoon, “Jacobus/James…

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J.D. Walsh, “Wesley Vs. Whitefield”

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Please click on the link to view J.D. Walsh, “Wesley Vs. Whitefield.” Please note that at one point the article says that the Wesleys denied predestination, but it is important to understand that they denied…

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