Does Arminianism Diminish God’s Glory? One charge often heard against Arminianism is that by allowing for human agency to play a significant role in the process of salvation, Arminians decrease the scope of God’s agency…
Author/Scholar Index: Arminian
Robert Hamilton, “Thoughts on Imputed Righteousness”
This article discusses some aspects of imputed righteousness. Please click the link to view the full article: Robert Hamilton, “Thoughts on Imputed Righteousnes.”
Robert Chisholm’s Excellent Article on Hardening in the Old Testament
We do not always announce in the the blog the addition of specific articles to the site’s article database. (We regularly add articles to the site, and upon being added they appear in the “Recent…
Robert Hamilton, “Faith and Works”
What is the difference between the two? Are both needed for salvation? Here is an excellent article by Robert Hamilton explaining the issue. Click the attachment for the full article: faithandworks
Robert Hamilton, “God’s Righteousness Revealed”
What does it mean that “the righteousness of God is revealed” in the gospel? Presumably it means that in the gospel of Jesus, we learn something or experience something new of God’s righteousness. But what…
Roger Olson Joins Scot McKnight in Taking It to the Neo-Reformed
One of our members, well known Arminian theologian Roger Olson, has weighed in on the controversy stirred up by Scot McKnight’s recent comments about those he has labeled the “Neo-Reformed” (see our recent post about…
Scot McKnight–Taking It to the Neo-Reformed
Distinguished NT scholar and non-Calvinist, Scot McKnight, has been blogging about the most troubling element of the Calvinist resurgence, which he labels “the neo-Reformed”. Here are links to his first and second posts:…
I’m Free and God Is Still Soveriegn
Over and over and over again I am told that I do not truly believe that God is sovereign. Sure, I think I believe it, but God cannot really be sovereign if He doesn’t minutely…
Robert Hamilton, “Allegiance: What Must I Do To Be Saved?”
In this article, Robert Hamilton discusses the necessity of Allegiance to Christ. “What exactly must I do in order to be accepted by God? What are the conditions for salvation? There is a tendency today for…
Friday Files: Moore’s Commentary on Romans 9
In Bob Moore’s “Calvinism–Ten Little Caveats,” he provides a step-by-step analysis of Romans 9, and he contrasts his view with John Piper’s. He first admits that Romans 9 is difficult to interpret and we need…
Eric Landstrom, The General Theory of Relativity and the Nature of God Pokes Openness in the Eye
It is argued by proponents of Openness as well as Calvinists that claim Openness is the logical conclusion for Arminianism that in order for people to be free the future must be somehow open. Their argument claims that if God’s knowledge of future unactualized contingencies is perfectly known, then creaturely freedom is a farce and whether we like it or not, our Lord has effectively predestinated all of creation. Countering the argument Arminians point out that simply knowing for sure that a person will freely do something is not enough for God to control or predestinate the world. This is because foreknowledge of an event does not imply direct influence or omnicausality, or absolute determination, but merely knows what other wills are doing. In other words, foreknowledge doesn’t mean absolute determination. Yet a fine point should be sharpened at this time: God not only grasps and understands what actually will happen, but also what could happen under varied possible contingencies.
Middle Knowledge
Please click on the attachment to see Richard Coords’ post on Middle Knowledge.
Friday Files: Clarke’s commentary on Romans 9
In Adam Clarke’s commentary on Romans 9, he argues for that God choice of Jacob and Esau were primarily national1, rather than the unconditional individual election and reprobation. The idea is that God chose to…
Foreknowledge Defined
Foreknowledge means “to have knowledge of something before it happens.” In Scripture there are are references to God’s foreknowledge of those who will believe in Jesus (Rom. 8:29; 1 Pet. 1:2). Those whom God foreknows,…
Consistent Calvinism FAQ (Satire)
Disclaimer: The following is a light-hearted satire on Calvinism and not an attack on Calvinists. 🙂 Q. How should I approach evangelism? A. You should evangelise if you believe that you are included in the…
Atonement for All
Jesus Christ died on the cross as a provision for all people, so that there is forgiveness of sins for all who believe, even though many are not forgiven because they refuse to believe. Jesus…
According to Scripture, Jesus Died For …
According to scripture, Jesus died for … Us all (Isaiah 53:6) His people (Matthew 1:21) All who are weary (Matthew 11:28) Many (Matthew 20:28) His people (Luke 1:68) All the people (Luke 2:10) The lost…
I John 5:18 — A Devotional
We’ve come to the conclusion of the letter. John doesn’t end with an exhorting paragraph, or a final doctrinal conclusion. Instead, he concludes with a list of loosely connected aphorisms, and by pointing to the…
Friday Files: Wesley’s Predestination Calmly Considered
John Wesley had the rare gift of bringing the Calvinist/Arminian debate from the head to the heart. In Predestination Calmly Considered, Wesley first examines the idea of upholding unconditional election while rejecting reprobation and then…
C.S. Lewis: Calvinist or Classical Arminian?
Please click on the link to view Zach Dawes, “C. S. Lewis: Calvinist or Classical Arminian?” In this essay, Rev. Zach Dawes argues that the theology of C.S. Lewis was essentially Arminian. Dawes also maintains a blog,…