It’s been more than ten years since I first read Francis Chan’s Crazy Love, and there was much then that I appreciated about it. I’ve been reading it again and still find much to commend,…

It’s been more than ten years since I first read Francis Chan’s Crazy Love, and there was much then that I appreciated about it. I’ve been reading it again and still find much to commend,…
Calvinists sometimes argue that prevenient grace is not grounded in scripture. In this video, Dr. Matt O’Reilly explains how prevenient grace is clearly seen in two 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 and Acts 2:37-38. Matt O’Reilly (PhD,…
SEA member Dr. Matt O’Reilly has recently published a new book titled Paul and the Resurrected Body: Social Identity and Ethical Practice (SBL Press). Praise for Paul and the Resurrected Body: In this work, Matt O’Reilly offers a…
Many people think “common grace” and “prevenient grace” are two ways of talking about the same idea. In this video, SEA member Matt O’Reilly explains the crucial difference between the two and why the Arminian…
SEA member Matt O’Reilly has a new new book titled The Letters to the Thessalonians. It’s part of the OneBook: Daily-Weekly series from Seedbed Publishing. This short volume is designed for small-group studies and is…
Please click the link to view the page: Falling Away or Cut Off? Romans and the Question of Apostasy
In this video, Dr. Matt O’Reilly explains why the Calvinist view of election fails to capture what the Bible says about God’s purposes in choosing a people for himself.
SEA member, Dr. Matt O’Reilly, has launched a new YouTube Channel called Orthodoxy for Everyone. The channel features short videos that address questions related to scripture, theology, important books, and church leadership. O’Reilly is also…
The question was put to me over lunch earlier this week and not for the first time. So I thought it worthwhile to post here a few reflections on the difference between the Reformed doctrine…
[Please note that SEA does not necessarily endorse Wesley’s doctrine of Entire Sanctification, but it is a position that SEA members can hold.] I’ve often heard that John Wesley’s emphasis on Entire Sanctification (or Christian Perfection)…
By Matt O’Reilly “Why celebrate Easter?” That’s an honest question that was put to me recently by a man who is deeply interested in religion, though intentionally not part of any orthodox Christian tradition. His…
this post was written by SEA member, Rev Matt O’Reilly Everyone needs to be set free. The idea that we come into the world with a will entirely at liberty to choose one path or…
Arminians are not of one mind with regard to the doctrine of perseverance. Some Arminians see perseverance as a gift which God gives to those who respond to the gospel in faith. These Arminians believe…
The rapid increase of those who identify as “young, restless, and Reformed” is bringing fresh attention to the doctrine of election, which is one of the definitive issues that marks the sides in the ongoing…
by Matt O’Reilly C. S. Lewis once cautioned against the blindness inherent in every age. Like others in our day, he warned, we are “specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make…
The debate over eternal security among various stripes of evangelicals is unlikely to go away any time soon. Some assert that upon conversion believers are guaranteed their salvation cannot be lost. Others disagree by claiming…
SO WHAT IS FAITH ANYWAY? by Matt O’Reilly, PhD (Cand) You no longer have to go to church to hear about faith. We are constantly surrounded with talk of faith and belief. From Hollywood to…
At the 2008 Together for the Gospel Conference, John MacArthur delivered a message entitled “The Sinner Neither Able Nor Willing: The Doctrine of Absolute Inability” in which he grossly misrepresented Arminian theology by saying: “So…