I wrote a blog post a couple of years ago titled “The Maximally Great Argument For Arminianism” which attempted to show that God’s universal salvific will logically flows out of Perfect Being Theology. The argument…

I wrote a blog post a couple of years ago titled “The Maximally Great Argument For Arminianism” which attempted to show that God’s universal salvific will logically flows out of Perfect Being Theology. The argument…
You may remember my blog post series on logical fallacies way back in 2016 when Cerebral Faith was still on a Blogspot platform. There were 28 posts each examining a formal or informal fallacy that often…
The Maximally Great Argument Against Calvinism (here on abbreviated a MGAAC) attempts to show that the Arminian tenet of God’s universal salvific will and unlimited atonement logically flow out of Perfect Being Theology (i.e that…
I recently was contacted by a theologian named Ed Dingess who runs the website www.reformedreasons.com letting me know that he had wrote a “refutation” of my Maximally Great Argument against Calvinism, and if you’ve been…
It seems that more Calvinists are becoming aware of my Maximally Great Argument Against Calvinism. The argument was formulated on my part out of a frustration to convince Calvinists that God loves all people, wants…
My article “5 Arguments For The Existence Of Free Will” became very popular. Tim Stratton liked it so much that he featured it as a guest post on his blog FreeThinkingMinistires.com, Martin Glynn specifically asked me…
One of the most popular passages stating God’s universal salvific will (i.e that God desires every human individual to be saved) is 2 Peter 3:9. 2 Peter 3:9 states that God “is not willing that any should perish,…
This blog post is a response to Kevin Courter’s response to my article “5 Biblical Texts That Calvinists Can’t Wiggle Out Of”. Courter responded to that initial article here, and I responded to his response here. Kevin Courter…
Well, as followers of this blog know full well I’ve been in two blog wars with Kevin Courter and Tony Lee Ross Jr. over my blog post “5 Biblical Texts That Calvinists Can’t Wiggle Out Of”. Tony…
My recent blog post titled “5 Biblical Texts That Calvinists Can’t Wiggle Out Of” has gotten a lot of attention, and that’s an understatement. The day after I published it, this blog got 3,301 page views in…
My most recent article “5 Biblical Texts That Calvinists Can’t Wiggle Out Of” received a LOT of views (numbering in the thousands per day) as well as a lot of backlash (the latter of which was to…
When Calvinists say that Jesus only died for the elect (i.e, those God chose to irresistibly save before the foundations of the world) instead of for every human being, Arminians will frequently counter that teaching…
[All links are in the following post are external] Recently, I posted an argument for Arminianism that combined philosophy and scripture to support its premises called “A Maximally Great Argument For Arminianism”. (MGA). The premise got to…
Does God love all people? Does He desire that all people be saved? Did He die on the cross to atone for the sins of all people? I would answer “Yes” to all of the…
Free Will is a topic debated among Christians and even some non-Christians. The Christians who affirm that men have free will in the libertarian sense are Arminians, Molinists, and Open Theists. Christians who deny free…
One very common Calvinist proof text for limited atonement and a limited salvific will on God’s part is in John 17:9. The context of the passage is Jesus in the Garden Of Gethsemane. The synoptic…
Arminians and Molinists believe that God wants everyone saved. We also believe that Jesus Christ died for every single human being who will ever exist in this world. There’s an overabundance of scriptures that testifies…
Calvinists say some of the darndest things. In debates with Calvinists, some of these things can be very annoying and contribute to an unfruitful discussion. When I press my objections against Calvinists, I usually get…
We Arminians, in arguing for universal atonement (also known as unlimited atonement) will often times appeal to various scriptures which, on their face, appear to mean that God both loves, died for, and desires every…
There are two objections from the Calvinist side against Arminians and Molinists which are really so terrible, I’m struggling to make a blog post of decent length about them. They’re such simple mistakes that they…