These four episodes are recordings of Douglas Crossman reading some of John Wesley’s most well known sermons. “Justification By Faith” on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher “Free Grace” on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher “The Lord Our…
Wesley, John
Kevin RK Davis, “Wesley: Reformation of the Heart”
In recognition of the upcoming Reformation Day, here is Kevin RK Davis’s final post celebrating the Reformation. WESLEY: REFORMATION OF THE HEART
Ed Stetzer, “One-on-One with Jeffrey Barbeau on Methodism”
Ed Stetzer interviews Dr. Jeffrey Barbeau about his latest book. Dr. Barbeau serves as Professor of Theology at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. To view Ed Stetzer, “One-on-One with Jeffrey Barbeau on Methodism,” via Christianity Today…
Why a Wesleyan Approach to Theology: Seven Minute Seminary
Dr. Ben Witherington III discusses why he considers the Wesleyan understanding of the gospel to be most faithful to Scripture.
John Wesley Comments on the Biblical Languages
“Do I understand Greek and Hebrew? Otherwise, how can I undertake, as every Minister does, not only to explain books which are written therein but to defend them against all opponents? Am I not at…
Timothy Tennent, “Great Wesleyan Distinctives, Part II: Community”
Please click on the link to read Timothy Tennent, “Great Wesleyan Distinctives, Part II: Community“, available from the author’s blog. Great Wesleyan Distinctives, Part II
Howard A Snyder, “Theology and Mission in Wesleyan Perspective”
Please click on the link to read Howard A Snyder, “Theology and Mission in Wesleyan Perspective”, which the author has made available at Howard A Snyder, “Theology and Mission in Wesleyan Perspective”
David F. Watson, “Did John Wesley Affirm Total Depravity?”
Please click on the link to read David F. Watson, “Did John Wesley Affirm Total Depravity?, available from the author’s blog. David F. Watson, “Did John Wesley Affirm Total Depravity?”
FWS Podcast: The Systematic Nature of John Wesley’s Theology
If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Systematic (Part 1) If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Systematic (Part 2) This is a lecture by Dr. Kenneth J. Collins…
A Wesleyan Catechism
This free downloadable version of a Wesleyan Catechism was compiled and organized by Ryan Kiblinger. It is titled, A Wesleyan Catechism: A Teaching on the 10 Commandments, the Methodist Articles of Religion, and the Lord’s…
The God Who Seeks
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. . .” (Genesis 3:8, NIV)“I revealed myself to those…
Wesley’s View of Grace – Wynkoop
In some contrast to Calvinism which emphasized the majestic POWER of God (He creates and redeems because He can do so and wills to do so), and Arminius who emphasized the JUSTICE of God (He…
Roger Olson, “A Magnificent Resource for Arminian Evangelicals: ‘John Wesley’s Teachings'”
[This post was originally published at Dr. Olson’s blog, where comments can be made.] Why should John Wesley matter to anyone who’s not a Methodist? Somehow over the years most people have come to limit Wesley…
John Wesley on Voting
John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism
Please click on the link to view James Alex. Macdonald, Wesley’s Revision of the Shorter Catechism with Notes (Edinburgh: George A. Morton, 1906). The full title is Wesley’s Revision of The Shorter Catechism Agreed Upon by the…
Arminianism, Calvinism, and Their Influence Upon John Wesley
Jacob Arminius (1559 – 1609) was a Dutch pastor and scholar who spent most of his career as a pastor in Amsterdam. He served as professor of theology at the University of Leiden for about…
Ryan N. Danker, “Constrained to Deviate: John Wesley and the Evangelical Anglicans”
Please click on the link to view Ryan N. Danker, “Constrained to Deviate: John Wesley and the Evangelical Anglicans” (Th.D. dissertation; Boston University School of Theology, 2012). This is the author’s doctoral dissertation. And here is…
Uncle Buddy: The Bible Has Never Lied
The Bible is the only Book I ever heard tell of that tells the truth on everybody who ever lived or who ever is living, or who ever will live. The Bible has never lied…
John Wesley: 12 Rules for Leaders
Wesley enlisted helpers for the Methodist movement. These were lay preachers who helped the movement grow. Here are his “Rules of an Assistant” that were to be followed by these lay preachers. What would happen…
John Wesley and Eastern Orthodoxy
John Wesley lived and died an Anglican priest. Being the founder of Wesleyanism, not only did he incorporate much of Arminius’ thoughts into Wesleyanism, he also incorporated a fair amount of Eastern Orthodoxy. Note these…