Wesley, John

A Wesleyan Catechism

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This free downloadable version of a Wesleyan Catechism was compiled and organized by Ryan Kiblinger. It is titled, A Wesleyan Catechism: A Teaching on the 10 Commandments, the Methodist Articles of Religion, and the Lord’s…

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The God Who Seeks

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“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. . .” (Genesis 3:8, NIV)​“I revealed myself to those…

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Wesley’s View of Grace – Wynkoop

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In some contrast to Calvinism which emphasized the majestic POWER of God (He creates and redeems because He can do so and wills to do so), and Arminius who emphasized the JUSTICE of God (He…

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John Wesley: 12 Rules for Leaders

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Wesley enlisted helpers for the Methodist movement.  These were lay preachers who helped the movement grow.  Here are his “Rules of an Assistant” that were to be followed by these lay preachers.  What would happen…

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John Wesley and Eastern Orthodoxy

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John Wesley lived and died an Anglican priest.  Being the founder of Wesleyanism, not only did he incorporate much of Arminius’ thoughts into Wesleyanism, he also incorporated a fair amount of Eastern Orthodoxy. Note these…

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