I wanted to give a quick post about an excellent book edited by John Wagner entitled, Redemption Redeemed: A Puritan Defense of an Unlimited Atonement. The book is edited by John and features the biblical defense of the…

, SEA , Comment Closed
I wanted to give a quick post about an excellent book edited by John Wagner entitled, Redemption Redeemed: A Puritan Defense of an Unlimited Atonement. The book is edited by John and features the biblical defense of the…
, BrianRoden , Comment Closed
SEA member John Wagner recently sent a letter to Dr. R. C. Sproul Sr. in response to issues with Sproul’s well-known book Chosen By God. Here is the letter: JohnWagner_LetterTo_RCSproul
, Godismyjudge , Comment Closed
John D. Wagner assembled inputs from a wide range of authors to put together Grace for All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation. The book starts off with Roger Olson defending Arminianism from the charge of…
, SEA , Comment Closed
We are happy to announce the publication of Arminius Speaks: Essential Writings on Predestination, Free Will, and the Nature of God, edited by SEA member John D. Wagner and dedicated to SEA.
Here is a book description and some endorsements (for an attractive flier with a picture of the book on it and information on the publisher, see the attachment to this post; the book can be purchased at a discount through the publisher’s website [less expensive than listed on the flier]):
James Arminius is one of the most maligned and misunderstood theologians in
church history. In an era of major debate over predestination, free will, and
related concepts, Arminius was accused of being Pelagian, Semi-Pelagian, or a
heretic of all sorts. This is a trend that started in his time and has continued
to this day.
The truth is that he was a brilliant theologian who shook the foundations of
Calvinism to the core. Yet he was quite orthodox in his thinking, as he had
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed