Below is my response to Dominic’s follow-up rebuttal of my post concerning the purpose of regeneration in Calvinism. You can read my response to his first reply here. It is quite lengthy because the discussion primarily turns on issues of exegesis, and…
Henshaw. Ben
Ben Henshaw, “Addressing Dominic’s Response to the Purpose of Regeneration in Calvinism”
Below is an answer offered by “Dominic” to my post on the purpose of regeneration in the Calvinist scheme, with my response to his answer interspersed. He also touches on my post concerning the Arminian ordo. I was originally…
Ben Henshaw, “What Purpose Does Regeneration Serve in Calvinism?”
Calvinists make a big deal out of the need for regeneration before one can believe. For them this is the primary function of regeneration. Regeneration irresistibly causes a faith response, and without this regeneration, faith…
Grace For All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation (Book Review)
John D. Wagner has produced an updated and expanded version of “Grace Unlimited”, originally edited by the late Clark H. Pinnock. This updated version is called “Grace For All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation.” This…
Calvinist Sleight of Hand: A Brief Arminian Interaction With Wayne Grudem’s Arguments Against the Compatibility of Foreknowledge And Conditional Election
A while back someone on the SEA discussion board referenced the following comments by Calvinist Theologian Wayne Grudem arguing against the compatibility of foreknowledge and conditional election. Below is my brief interaction with this quoted…
Great Quotes: Merrill C. Tenney on John 1:12-13 And Faith Preceding Regeneration
This provides the initial definition of ‘believe’ by equating it with ‘receive.’ When we accept a gift, whether tangible or intangible, we thereby demonstrate our confidence in its reality and trustworthiness. We make it part…
Does Paul Support Calvinism’s View of Irresistible Grace in 1 Cor. 4:7?
The following is a comment I made in response to a Calvinist appealing to 1 Cor. 4:7 to show that unless faith is an irresistible gift from God, it would give us reason to boast. Links to…
Great Quotes: Daniel Whedon on Foreknowledge and Free Will
“Whether there is any foreknowledge or not, it is certain that there will be one particular course of future events and no other. On the most absolute doctrine of freedom there will be, as we…
Great Quotes: Thomas Ralston on Calvinist Arguments Against Free Will Based on Greatest Motive Force
Let us now contemplate these motives which are said to act upon the mind so as necessarily to influence the will. Let us look them full in the face, and ask the question, What are…
Ben Henshaw, “Do You Really Want to Claim John Calvin as Your Homeboy?”
A few days ago I saw someone wearing a “Calvin is my homeboy” T-shirt. I have to admit that the shirt made me cringe. My thoughts immediately went to questions concerning Calvin’s character. While I…
Ben Henshaw, “A Brief Review of ‘Free Will: Pagan and Unbiblical'”
A Calvinists site promoted this video on their site a few years ago: “Free Will: Pagan and Unbiblical”. I forced myself to watch it, which wasn’t easy. Here are my brief, informal comments on the…
Highlighting an Important Series Critiquing The Calvinist Interpretation of Romans 9
Back in 2010 J.C. Thibodaux started what would eventually become a four part series on Romans 9, with special focus on the problems inherent in the typical Calvinist interpretation of Romans 9. This short series…
Calvinism And The Fall: The Problem Ignored Again
Just saw this post called “Man’s Will: Before And After the Fall” which opens with these words: Augustine and the Calvinistic tradition in general define the will’s freedom, or lack thereof, in relation to sin.…
Sin, Reprobation and Foreknowledge: The Calvinists Attempt to Have Their Cake And Eat it Too
The doctrine of the unconditional election of a part, necessarily implies the unconditional reprobation of the rest. I know some who hold to the former, seem to deny the latter; for they represent God as…
Ben Henshaw, “Various Thoughts on the Use of John 6 and Related Passages from John’s Gospel to Support Calvinism”
Various Thoughts on The Use of John 6 And Related Passages From John’s Gospel to Support Calvinism | Arminian Perspectives I have been meaning to do an extensive post on John 6 and related passages…
Ben Henshaw, “Exposing the Falsity of the Calvinist Claim that Irresistible Grace Is Compatible with the Elect Coming to Christ Freely”
A conversation between Ben Henshaw and a Calvinist in which Ben addresses the oft repeated Calvinist claim that while God works in the elect irresistibly, the elect still freely come to Christ in such a…
Does Prevenient Grace Make Total Depravity Only Hypothetical and Not Actual?
Ben Henshaw has a page at his blog for questions, and he was recently asked this: I have a question about the prevenient grace. According to this doctrine, God enables the dead in sins so…
Ben Henshaw, “Grace For All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation (Book Review)”
John D. Wagner has produced an updated and expanded version of “Grace Unlimited”, originally edited by the late Clark H. Pinnock. This updated version is called “Grace For All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation.” This…
Expository Sermons by Arminian Pastor Ben Henshaw Now Available Online
Audio files of expository sermons by Arminian pastor Ben Henshaw of Rand Memorial Congregational Church (Seabrook, NH) are now available online at Normally, a new sermon goes up every week.
Do Arminians Really Pray Like Calvinists?
It is often said by Calvinists that when Arminians pray, they pray like Calvinists. Typically this is expressed in such a way as to imply that while Arminians may deny the theological claims of Calvinism,…