Here are some helpful comments Austin Fischer made in the comment thread of his recent post “Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed a Year Later: Calvinism (Still) Isn’t Beautiful” at his blog (the post can be found on this…

Here are some helpful comments Austin Fischer made in the comment thread of his recent post “Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed a Year Later: Calvinism (Still) Isn’t Beautiful” at his blog (the post can be found on this…
“They’re not going to embrace your theology unless it makes their hearts sing.”[1] -John Piper One of the more persistent myths regarding art (broadly defined) is that the artist understands what he or she…
By David Martinez On the night of Wednesday, August 27, 2014, Arminians squared off against Calvinists at Missio Dei Church in Chicago for a theological debate. The participants were: Brian Zahnd and Austin Fischer (Arminians)…
This debate took place on Wednesday, August 27, 2014, with Mark Galli moderating at Missio Dei Church, Wrigleyville, Chicago, IL. Youtube:
This debate took place on Wednesday, August 27, 2014, with Mark Galli moderating at Missio Dei Church, Wrigleyville, Chicago, IL. Youtube:
For many years I was a mild Calvinist. By definition there should be no such thing as a mild Calvinist. One is in or one is out. But it teaches some things that are surely…
This debate is scheduled for tonight, Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 7:00pm – 8:30pm with Mark Galli moderating at Missio Dei Church: Wrigleyville, Chicago, IL. You can watch it live at, and it will be posted on YouTube later this week.…
This debate has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 7:00pm – 8:30pm with Mark Galli moderating at Missio Dei Church: Wrigleyville, Chicago, IL. See here for more information.
Once Saved, Always? / Function, Not Validity Once saved, always saved—so the adage goes. Depending on your theological persuasion, there are other ways to say it: eternal security, perseverance of the saints, or more straight…
My Review of Kevin’s Review Here’s my review of what I thought, generally speaking, was a fair review of my book by Kevin DeYoung. I’ll focus in on a few key critiques and offer some…
In the comments on Austin Fischer’s reply to John Piper’s criticism of his book,Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed, a Calvinist named Clayton Hutchins got into a discussion with Fischer that is helpful for laying out…
Please click on the link to view the Jonathan Merritt/Religion News Service Interview with Austin Fischer about His Book Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed.
Shane Blackshear’s interview with Austin Fischer about Fischer’s book, Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed: Black Holes, Love, and a Journey In and Out of Calvinism, may be found here.
Austin Fischer, Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed (Cascade Books, 2014). Many young Christians throughout the last decade have been on a similar journey. They have faith in Jesus Christ, a passion to share God’s love with the…
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be responding, directly and indirectly, to some questions and thoughts surrounding the book [ed. note: the author’s book, Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed]. In the next couple of posts,…
Justin Brierley, host of the program Unbelievable, featured a conversation between Dr. James White and pastor Austin Fischer. Austin Fischer has written a new book, entitled Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed, advocating for an Arminian theological worldview. …
Here is the audio from the debate between Austin Fischer, the author of Young, Restless and No Longer Reformed, and Calvinist apologist Dr. James White on Unbelievable Radio from February or March of 2014. For a review of the debate…
So, John Piper has now responded to Austin Fischer’s book “Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed” (Wipf & Stock, 2013). (For those of you who don’t know, Austin is Teaching Pastor at The Vista Community in…
I wake up this morning to find John Piper has posted a video with some thoughts on my book. [Full disclosure: if you’ve read the book, you know Piper had a huge impact on my…
Please click on the link to view an excerpt from Austin Fischer’s book,Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed.