“Whether there is any foreknowledge or not, it is certain that there will be one particular course of future events and no other. On the most absolute doctrine of freedom there will be, as we…

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“Whether there is any foreknowledge or not, it is certain that there will be one particular course of future events and no other. On the most absolute doctrine of freedom there will be, as we…
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Daniel D. Whedon’s Commentary on the Bible may be found at http://www.studylight.org/com/whe/. From the website: Daniel Whedon was born in 1808 in Onondaga, N.Y. Dr. Whedon was well qualified as a commentator. He was professor of…
John Wagner recently edited and republished Daniel Whedon’s Freedom of the Will: A Wesleyan response to Jonathan Edwards. The book is an outstanding refutation of Edward’s Inquiry into the Will. Whedon seeks and engages top authors and arguments like Hobbs’ argument (later adopted by Locke and Edwards) that free will is incoherent, because it either amounts to a causeless cause or infinite regression of causes. Whedon responds by pointing out 1) the will is the cause of choice (74); 2) defining indeterministic causes (38-39); and 3) explaining that indeterministic causes account for either choice (71-72). In other words, indeterministic causes explain the goal of our choices (or reason for our choices), but the will is the cause we choose this goal, not that goal. This is essentially agent causation.
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We just added volumes 1 and 2 of Daniel Whedon’s commentary on the New Testament to the site, and so now have all 5 volumes . A link to each volume can be found on…
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Wesleyan/Arminain Daniel Denison Whedon’s commentary on the New Testament books of 1 Corinthians-2 Timothy (1876) (link)
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Wesleyan/Arminain Daniel Denison Whedon’s commentary on the New Testament books of Acts and Romans (1875)
Wesleyan-Armininan Daniel Denison Whedon’s response to Jonathan Edwards’ The Freedom of the Will is wonderful; both complete and acurate. (link) [This links to the original book available for free viewing or download.] The book has…
Wesleyan/Arminain Daniel Denison Whedon’s commentary on the New Testament books of Titus through Revelation 1880 (link)
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