In this episode, Dan Chapa and TurretinFan are joined by the Twitchy Theologian as they review the debate “For Whom Did Christ Die?” between Joshua Farris and Dan Chapa for unlimited atonement vs James White…

In this episode, Dan Chapa and TurretinFan are joined by the Twitchy Theologian as they review the debate “For Whom Did Christ Die?” between Joshua Farris and Dan Chapa for unlimited atonement vs James White…
In this video, SEA members Martin Glynn (also a VP of SEA), Dan Chapa, and Christopher Bastedo discuss a debate tactic often employed by Calvinists that Martin has dubbed “the machine gun hermneutic.” The video…
Pat Petel recently critiqued the Arminian view of Total Depravity. In this episode, SEA member Dan Chapa and Pat discuss the differences between Arminians and Provisionists regarding Total Depravity. The video below can also be…
In this video, SEA members Dan Chapa, Brandon Hollen, and Chris Bastedo review a video of John MacArthur’s thoughts on predestination and free will. The video below can also be accessed on YouTube at
SEA members Dan Chapa, Chris Bastedo, and Richard Coords discuss Ephesians 1, election, and predestination from an Arminian perspective. The video below may also be accessed on YouTube at
In the video below, SEA members Dan Chapa, Chris Bastedo, and Martin Glynn (one of SEA’s Vice Presidents) respond to the GotQuestions staff’s discussion of Arminianism. Using the acronym DAISY, GotQuestions summarized the 5 points…
Dr. Dale V. Wayman, one of SEA’s Vice Presidents, joins SEA member Dan Chapa to discuss prevenient grace, which is the Holy Spirit’s supernatural work on the soul that goes before and enables our trusting…
SEA members Dan Chapa and Richard Coords discuss the second part of Romans 9, regarding Pharaoh, God as a potter, and vessels of mercy and wrath. The video below can also be accessed on YouTube…
SEA members Dan, Richard Coords, and Christopher Bastedo discuss election in Romans 9. They discuss the national election found in the Old Testament texts Paul cites in Romans 9 and the way Paul applies them…
SEA members Dan Chapa, Brandon Hollen, and Dalton Blackmon review Doug Wilson’s argument against Arminianism based on Romans 9. The video below can also be accessed on YouTube at
Austin Brown joins SEA member Dan Chapa to discuss the atonement. Austin is a Calvinist who holds that Christ died for everyone. The below video can also be accessed on YouTube at
SEA members Chris Bastedo, Richard Ellis, and Dan Chapa review the recent debate on “Does God know the future exhaustively and perfectly?” between Calvinist James White and Open Theist Tim Barber. We bring an Arminian…
In this debate, Jim Pearl takes the affirmative, that Calvinism is biblical, and he debates SEA member Chris Bastedo. SEA member Dan Chapa moderates. The video below may also be accessed on YouTube at
SEA member Dan Chapa, moderator, and Dr. Dale V. Wayman, VP of the Society of Evangelical Arminians, discuss issues with Calvinism and counseling. The video can also be viewed on YouTube through this link.:
SEA members Dan Chapa and Martin Glynn respond to William Lane Craig’s comments on the Arminian view of Providence. The video can also be viewed on YouTube through this link.
SEA members Dan Chapa and Christopher Bastedo discuss how to communicate Arminian Theology. The video may be viewed on YouTube through this link.
Sam Shamoun (non-Calvinist) and Turretinfan (Calvinist) recently debated Limited Atonement on Standing For Truth. In this video, SEA members Dan Chapa and Jonathan McLeod discuss the debate and add some additional arguments in favor of…
This video can be accessed on YouTube through this link.
SEA’s YouTube channel may be accessed through this link. The channel’s welcome message can be viewed below:
This video may be found at this link on YouTube: Defending Arminianism is a mini series in which Lucas Curcio and Dan Chapa defend and give a positive case for the essential Arminian doctrines…