It is a great misunderstanding of many believers that salvation in Christ is “unconditional.” This misunderstanding has become a virtual mantra in evangelicalism, a litmus test for orthodoxy. But orthodoxy can only be defined by…
Roy Ingle, “The Abuse of 1 John 2:19”
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they…
Robert A. J. Gagnon, “The Vine and Branches in John 15:1-17: A Response to James White”
The image of Jesus as the vine and believers in him as the branches poses a significant problem for those who contend that John affirms the categorical perseverance of the saints. For in this passage…
Ben Henshaw, “Perseverance of the Saints: Thirteen Part Series”
I thought it would be good to catalogue my series on perseverance into a single post for easy reference. After nearly sixteen years I think it still holds up pretty well. The only part I…
Roy Ingle, “85 Verses on Conditional Security”
Visit your average Calvinistic website on the doctrine of eternal security and you will find that many of them isolate a few prooftexts for Arminianism’s view concerning the security of the believer to address. Most…
Ben Henshaw, “An Arminian Response to C. Michael Patton’s ‘The Ultimate Balanced Guide to Arminianism (From a Calvinist)’: The Good, the Bad, and the [Very] Ugly”
You can find Patton’s original post here I was referred to this recent post by C. Michel Patton and thought I would respond to it. My comments can be found in-between sections of his post below:…
Robert E. Picirilli, Hold Fast: Hebrews 6:4-6 and the Possibility of Apostasy
Please click on the link to view the booklet Hold Fast: Hebrews 6:4-6 and the Possibility of Apostasy by Robert E. Picirilli from from Hopeway Publishing. From Hopeway’s description of the booklet: Hebrews is a…
Could You Explain an Arminian Perspective of Regeneration and How It Can Be “Undone” If a Believer Forsakes the Faith?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Eric Landstrom, “Christian Discipleship and Sin”
Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3:18). Consider your joy in salvation. Repeatedly well-meaning, well-intentioned disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ justify their poor, worldly,…
Antinomianism and Reformed Arminianism
This original article can be found at the Helwys Society Forum: Some may be tempted to think the following: Since Reformed Arminians teach that apostasy may occur only by the renunciation of faith, then…
Does John 6:37 Support Calvinism?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Vic Reasoner, “An Arminian Covenant Theology”
Too many Arminians have pushed their tray through the theological cafeteria, accepting a helping of whatever sounded good. Before we accept all the popular theology of the celebrity teachers, we had better determine upon what…
Richard Coords, “Eternal Security”
See also the discussion on Assurance. Three distinct doctrines on the matter of Assurance involve the following: The doctrine of Eternal Security (Traditionalism) [Editor’s note: “Traditionalism” is a movement related to the Southern Baptist Convention.]…
Roy Ingle, “Where Is The Assurance?”
Eternal Security and Assurance of Believers We believe that those who are truly redeemed are kept by God’s power and are thus secure in Christ forever. We don’t believe in “once saved, always saved” we…
Roy Ingle, “The Falling Away of Evangelicals”
I have been a Christian for almost fifteen years now and in my time as a disciple of Jesus, I have seen many people come and go. I have seen fads come and go. I…
C. Marion Brown, “The Possibility Of Becoming Stalemated And The Dangers Attached”
In trying to address this subject, I realize that not everyone will agree with the basic premise that there is such a state as an awakened man. I shall not try to defend this position,…
Ronald Sloan, “Urgently Needed: Book of Hebrews Project!”
Urgently Needed: Book of Hebrews Project! Bart Ehrman had a born-again experience in high school through Youth for Christ. Driven to learn more about the Bible, he earned a diploma at the Moody Bible…
Friday Files: Possibility of Apostasy
On Friday, we like to review a lot of the material we have in our archives. Our goal has always been providing resources for people to use defending the Biblical teaching of salvation. The issue…
Vic Reasoner, “The Obituary of Dispensationalism: 1830-1988”
In 1830 Margaret MacDonald had a vision about the end of the world and when she came out from under her trance, she wrote it down. This account attracted the attention of Edward Irving and…
Roy Ingle, “Arminian Thoughts on John 10:25-30”
John 10:25-30 is one of the favorite passages by Calvinists who believe in eternal security. Somehow they believe that Arminians either don’t believe in this passage or that Arminians ignore what Jesus is teaching since…