Sermons by A.W. Tozer are available to listen to online. Tozer might not have accepted the label “Arminian”, but his theology is basically Arminian. He is well known and respected by Arminians and Calvinists alike…

Sermons by A.W. Tozer are available to listen to online. Tozer might not have accepted the label “Arminian”, but his theology is basically Arminian. He is well known and respected by Arminians and Calvinists alike…
Please click on the attachment to view Dr. Vic Reasoner, “Does God Have An Eraser?”
Now available here online, John Goodwin’s Redemption Redeemed may be the best defense of Arminianism ever written. Published in 1651 by the Arminian Puritan John Goodwin (1593-1665), it is written in seventeenth century English with…
In this article Mr. Hamilton reexamines this controversial verse to discover whether a person can regain his salvation after losing it. Please click on the attachment to view Robert Hamilton’s “Does Hebrews 6:6 Teach that…
Saving Faith is the Attitude of a Life (Scholarly Evidence) – click on the attachment.
Scriptures Used to Support Conditional and Unconditional Security – click on PDF
Please click on the attachment to view David A. deSilva, “Hebrews 6:4-8: A Socio-rhetorical Investigation (Part 2)”, Tyndale Bulletin 50.2 (1999) 225-35: Desilva_Hebrews 6 Part 2 This is the second part of a two part article.…
Please click on the attachment to view David A. deSilva, “Hebrews 6:4-8: A Socio-rhetorical Investigation (Part 1)”, Tyndale Bulletin 50.1 (1999) 33-57: deSilva_Hebrews 6 Part 1 This is the first part of a two part article.…
Please click on the attachment to view McKnight, Scot. “Blog Posts on Post-Calvinism”
This file is a collection of blog posts made by distnguished New Testament scholar Scot McKnight at his blog, Jesus Creed
Please click on the attachment to view Scot McKnight, “The Warning Passages in Hebrews: A Formal Analysis and Theological Conclusions” (published in Trinity Journal 13NS [1992] 21-59).
John Wesley (Perseverance)
Here are some great comments from B.J. Oropeza, who holds to corporate election, tying in corporate election with the doctrine of perseverance and Rom 8:28-39: Our perspective of 1 Corinthians 10 and Romans 9-11 calls…
Please click on the attachment to view Robert A. J. Gagnon, “Time for a Change of Leadership at Exodus?: Alan Chambers Assures “Gay Christians” That Unrepentant Homosexual Practice Is No Barrier to Salvation … among…
The sermons of Wesleyan-Arminian pastor Dr. Vincent G. Artese, who serves at Pilgrim’s Pathway Christian Church in Monroe, Connecticut, may be found online here:
The following brief article was taken from, an article by Steve Witzki in The Arminian. The article Witzki refers to by John Jefferson Davis may be viewed online here at SEA at John…
In the attached article, Steve Witzki surveys the thought of the early church on the topic of apostasy, concluding: “It seems rather apparent that the Ante-Nicene Fathers believed that a Christian could sever their saving…
Ben Witherington, “‘Behavior Doesn’t Interrupt Your Relationship with Christ’: A Recipe for Disaster — A Wesleyan Arminian Perspective on God’s Grace and the Gravity of Sin”
See here:
Romans 8:35-39 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: ‘For you sake we face death…
1 John 2:18-19
Little children, it is the last hour and as you have heard that the Anti-Christ is coming, even now many anti-christs have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be manifest, that none of them were of us.
Below are some comments I made long ago in my perseverance series against the idea that the writer of Hebrews is addressing his warnings of falling away to those whose faith is not genuine, or…