Andrew, from Acts 20/20, posts: “‘The Family Secret’: When Calvinists All But Deny Calvinism.” Bloggers from Arminian Perspectives present “A.W. Tozer on ‘Dead in Sin’ Meaning Regeneration Must Precede Faith.” Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination…

Andrew, from Acts 20/20, posts: “‘The Family Secret’: When Calvinists All But Deny Calvinism.” Bloggers from Arminian Perspectives present “A.W. Tozer on ‘Dead in Sin’ Meaning Regeneration Must Precede Faith.” Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination…
To listen to an audio of the Remonstrance of 1610 in English, visit this post at the site of Simon Kittle.
We at the Society of Evangelical Arminians pray that the Lord will bless you with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus our Lord in the coming year of 2016. We pray His Gospel will reach…
Dr. Craig Keener, of Bible Background, grants significant information regarding King Herod Agrippa I from Acts 12. Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, shows us “The Beauty of Christmas.” William Birch offers “A Christmas Invitation for…
Asbury’s Seedbed highlights: “John Wesley: The Great Assize,” “Christmas according to Luke (Part IV): Born a Child and Yet a King,” and “The Key to Understanding the Gospel of John: The Seven Signs.” Dr. Craig…
Kevin Jackson, of Wesleyan Arminian, brings us: “Words That Arminians and Calvinists Define Differently.” Calvinist Steve Hays grants us insight into the mind of Calvinist James White: “Full-Tilt Attack Mode.” Simon Kittle, from the UK,…
Asbury’s Seedbed publishes: “Wesley: On Christian Perfection,” “Are All Your Responses to Current Events Really All That Christian?” and “A Surprising Twist on the Parable of the Good Samaritan.” Steven Sewell, of The Arminian Files,…
Pastor Steven L. Winters, of Thunder Sounds, posts: “The Limits of Omniscience.” Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, writes “The Potter’s Love,” and asks “What If I’m Wrong?” regarding the consequences to holding a non-Calvinistic theology.…
Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, posts “So the Lord Changed His Mind,” and encourages us, “Don’t Use Evil to Destroy Another.” Matt, of A Theology in Tension, is “Clotting a Wound with Spiritual Platelets.” Evan…
Andrew, of Beyond Calvinism, posts: “Questions to Ask as You Approach Romans 9.” Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, asks: “Justified by Faith, Yet Judged by Works?“ Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination Station, comments on Romans… is now selling Rustin E. Brian’s Jacob Arminius: The Man from Oudewater at a very nice price! Also, you can get a new copy of Grace for All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation, edited…
Kevin Jackson, of Wesleyan Arminian, posts “The Ghost at Epworth,” a true-to-life haunting ghost story in the life and household of John Wesley. Asbury’s Seedbed offers Ken Collins’ “John Wesley: Satan’s Devices,” and Leah E.…
The Arminian Magazine highlights Vic Reasoner’s “Counterfeit Grace,” Joseph D. McPherson’s “Scriptural Holiness in History,” and Roy Ingles’ book review of Grace for All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation. Kangaroodort, of Arminian Perspectives, also reviews…
Mike Barlotta, of Dead Heroes Don’t Save, continues his review of Grace for All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation with “Grace for All: Paul, the Potter, and Perspective? (Romans 9).” Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101,…
Mike Barlotta, of Dead Heroes Don’t Save, brings us a Suessical: “Free Grace for All.” Warning to Calvinists: Not to be taken personally. Craig Adams, of Commonplace Holiness, posts: “God Speaks from the Burning Bush,”…
Christopher C. Chapman grants us a “Tract for Nominal Christians: The Cost of Non-Discipleship.” Dr. Dale Wayman, of IRONSTRIKES, highlights: “A Conversation about Swearing,” “Christians Using the ‘F’ Word?” “Wussification — No Playing Tag,” “Wussification…
James Leonard, of Treasures Old and New, asks and answers: “What is Reformation Arminianism?“ Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, reviews chapter three of the latest Arminian book: Grace for All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation. Traditional…
Gene Brode, from The Grace Apparatus, posts: “Compatibilism and Wireless Technology, Part 1: Why Calvinism’s Explanation for Human Freedom and Responsibility Doesn’t Satisfy Me.” Timothy C. Tennent writes: “Spreading Scriptural Holiness throughout the World, Part…
Arminian Perspectives quotes Anglican Bishop Richard Watson (1737-1816) on Jesus’ prayer at John 17 and its proper context. Andrew, from Beyond Calvinism, posts: “Clark H. Pinnock’s ‘From Augustine to Arminius: A Pilgrimage in Theology.’” Roy…
Mike Barlotta, of Dead Heroes Don’t Save, posts: “Grace for All: Elect in Christ, or Into Christ, That is the Question.” Craig Adams, of Commonplace Holiness, presents: “Reflections on the Song of Solomon.” William G.…