Calvinism teaches that if you freely chose to believe in Christ, while others did not, then you’d have something to boast about before God. In other words, you could claim to be better and smarter…
Calvinism teaches that if you freely chose to believe in Christ, while others did not, then you’d have something to boast about before God. In other words, you could claim to be better and smarter…
It’s the Friday Files, SEA’s regular dig though our archives, ’cause not everybody realizes just what’s in there! SEA members’ names are in blue, and just to remind you—the views expressed in any articles and…
Atonement The reason why Jesus Christ is the only way to God, as per John 14:6, as it relates to the New Covenant, is the fact that there is no solution to human sin apart…
Author of Sin This charge first appeared in the affirmative by the Gnostic, Florinus (c. 180), which was immediately attacked by Irenaeus (130-200) a church father, who published a discourse entitled: “God, not the Author…
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
[Editor’s note: This is an excerpt of a book by a Traditionalist/Provisionist author and an Arminian (see the reference at the end of the article). SEA publishes a variety of perspectives and sometimes non-Arminians when…
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
[Editor’s note: This is an excerpt of a book by a Traditionalist/Provisionist author and an Arminian (see the reference at the end of the article). SEA publishes a variety of perspectives and sometimes non-Arminians when…
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
The following is an excerpt for a book written by Arminian Richard Coords and Traditionalist Leighton Flowers, “ReReformed”. Accountability Calvinists hold humanity accountable for whether or not they accept the gospel, even though Calvinists don’t…
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
Leighton Flowers recently put forward a critique of Arminianism. Nicholas Noyola, who was quoted within the critique has given his first response.
Molinist William Lane Craig’s theology class has returned to the topic of salvation. He begins with the topic of Calvinism vs Arminianism. In the sixth class, he presents the concept of the mystical union with…
Molinist William Lane Craig’s theology class has returned to the topic of salvation. He begins with the topic of Calvinism vs Arminianism. In the fifth class, he is argues for the Molinism position over against…
Molinist William Lane Craig’s theology class has returned to the topic of salvation. He begins with the topic of Calvinism vs Arminianism. In the fourth class, he is continuing his discussion on the Arminian doctrine…
Molinist William Lane Craig’s theology class has returned to the topic of salvation. He begins with the topic of Calvinism vs Arminianism. We’ll be publishing a link for the first 3 classes for this week,…
Molinist William Lane Craig’s theology class has returned to the topic of salvation. He begins with the topic of Calvinism vs Arminianism. We’ll be publishing a link for the first 3 classes for this week,…
Molinist William Lane Craig’s theology class has returned to the topic of salvation. He begins with the topic of Calvinism vs Arminianism. We’ll be publishing a link for the first 3 classes for this week,…