In this post I hope to show by way of analogy the incompatibility of soft determinism with human freedom. I will first lay out the technological terms and give a brief explanation of how they work. I…

, Gene Brode, Jr. , Comment Closed
In this post I hope to show by way of analogy the incompatibility of soft determinism with human freedom. I will first lay out the technological terms and give a brief explanation of how they work. I…
, Gene Brode, Jr. , Comment Closed
In this post I will discuss why Compatibilistic Calvinism really offers no satisfactory explanation of how genuine human choice (in the common understanding of the word) is possible within the scheme of divine determinism. William Birch…
, Gene Brode, Jr. , Comment Closed
Last week on the way to my small group Bible study at church, I had an interesting conversation with a pastor friend who’s a Calvinist. I said something about hoping my son would get saved…
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, AndrewH, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed