Over the last week I have been in a discussion over soteriology, which started with the request to define free will. Free will can be a hard concept to define because there are very different…

, g1antfan , Comment Closed
Over the last week I have been in a discussion over soteriology, which started with the request to define free will. Free will can be a hard concept to define because there are very different…
, g1antfan , Comment Closed
Augustine (354-430) is considered one of the most influential Christian theologians and philosophers. In the Parchment and Pen Top 10 theologian series, he was ranked #1. As a young man, Augustine studied rhetoric. During his…
, g1antfan , Comment Closed
In “The Softer Face of Calvinism” (Christianity Today), it is argued that, rather than appealing to theologians to understand Reformed theology, one should use the Reformed confessions and creeds. The confessions, therefore, form an important…
The Westminster Confession was drafted in 1646 and is one of the Reformed creeds of faith. In this confession (chapter III section 1) it reads: God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and…
, g1antfan , Comment Closed
John Chrysostom, a 4th century theologian, served as Bishop of Constantinople and was known for his preaching and ascetic lifestyle. What made him a noteworthy teacher was his ability and desire to be understood by…
, g1antfan , Comment Closed
C. Michael Patton runs a rather unique ministry in Oklahoma. He runs Reclaiming the Mind Ministries which includes such diverse offerings as a theological coffee house (Credo House), in-depth DVD courses taught by renowned scholars…
In the last post I shared some of my thoughts on the sequence of events in salvation. I compared these events to a chemical reaction in which a person that is condemned to death is…
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, AndrewH, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed