Posts By SEA

Finally Arrived

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by Roger Olson

I hold in my grubby little hands the first ever copy of Against Calvinism (outside the publisher’s warehouse). I received my author’s advance copy yesterday.

You know, when you’ve worked on a book for two years (and actually longer if one includes the years of preparing to write such a book) and gone through the ordeal of reading the edited manuscript and answering editors’ questions and making revisions and reading page proofs, etc., etc., the arrival of the book itself is kind of anti-climactic. I finished the manuscript well over a year ago and submitted to the publisher. It doesn’t usually take that long to get a book published, but for some reason….

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Lots of Talk about Angry Calvinists Going On

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There seems to be lots of talk about angry Calvinists going on, with Calvinist leaders recognizing that there seems to be a problem with anger/rudeness/harshness/incivility etc. particularly among Calvinists. Here are 2 posts on this:…

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Arminius/Arminianism Conference at Point Loma Nazarene University

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The Wesleyan Center at Point Loma Nazarene University is sponsoring the upcoming conference, Rethinking Arminius: Wesleyan and Reformed Theology for the Church Today on February 24 and 25, 2012.

In addition to the plenary lectures, there is a call for papers on any topic related to Arminianism.

From the conference website:

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Do We Need an Arminian Defense League?

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by Roger Olson Okay, so I used that title to get your attention. No, I don’t really think we need an Arminian Defense League (although sometimes I feel like the only person doing anything to…

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Conditional Preservation of the Saints

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Reputable Arminian Steve Witzki has contributed substantially to the Wikipedia article on “Conditional Preservation of the Saints,” which basically amounts to preservation and security in salvation by faith in harmony with so much of the…

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Eric Holmberg, “Truly Reformed . . . and Truly Wrong”

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Eric Holmberg is a convinced and serious Calvinist who produced the Calvinist documentary “Amazing Grace.” In this article, he corrects Calvinists who write Arminians “off as necessarily ill-informed, stupid, deceived, heretical – or worse unredeemed.” Readers should be wary of Holmberg’s affirmations of Calvinist theology.

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Is There a Middle Ground Between Calvinism and Arminianism?

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by Roger Olson

I’ve blogged about this before, but just yesterday Southern Baptist philosopher/theologian/seminary dean Steve Lemke, one of the editors of the excellent book Whosoever Will (which I highly recommended here) posted a message to the SBCToday blog accusing me of committing the fallacy of excluded middle for arguing that Southern Baptists like he are either Calvinists or Arminians and should admit it and (in his case) embrace the label Arminian — something he and the other authors of Whosoever Will reject.

Lemke’s post is here.

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David Pawson, “Once Saved, Always Saved?”

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A message by David Pawson on the topic, “Once Saved, Always Saved?”: It is also available from Pawson’s website, including an audio download:

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Sin & God’s Sovereignty

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Here are some edited comments, short but sweet, from a member of our private discussion group:

The following quote is by RC Sproul, SR.

“Every sin is an act of cosmic treason, a futile attempt to dethrone God in His sovereign authority.”

No matter how long I’ve been involved in the A vs. C debate, I absolutely cannot reconcile in my mind how God ISN’T the author of sin if Calvinism is true given Calvinism’s doctrine of exhaustive divine determinism.

In turn, this quote by Sproul would be false if Calvinism is true, since our sins would reinforce God’s sovereignty.

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