This article is written by Howard A. Snyder. Although not a member of SEA, this entry typifies the Arminian view on predestination. PREDESTINATION SECOND—LOVE FIRST! Have this clearly in mind: Salvation is not based on…
Posts By SEA
Roger E. Olson, “Is God’s Love Limited to the Elect?”
Roger E. Olson, “Is God’s Love Limited to the Elect? Rebutting a Calvinist Challenge to the Gospel” from Enrichment Journal:
Justin Taylor, “A Conversation with My Favorite Wesleyan Theologian”
Calvinist Justin Taylor’s post on, “A Conversation with My Favorite Wesleyan Theologian”: Taylor talks about Calvinist John Stark’s interview with Wesleyan theologian Fred sanders. And in so doing, Taylor makes some of his own…
Arminians Can Be Consistent and Pray for God to Save the Lost
By Brian Abasciano I have seen Calvinists argue that when Arminians pray for God to save lost souls, they are being inconsistent with their theology and are really praying like Calvinists. Even Arminian theologian and…

You’re a Calvinist, Right? A Calvinist Interviews a Wesleyan Theologian
Calvinist John Stark interviews a Wesleyan theologian he has great respect for, Fred Sanders: Introducing the interview, Stark writes, “And so, I had to know: For a guy who loves, quotes, and depends upon…
Calvin Taught Unconditional Predestination of Man to Sin and Condemnation
As follow up to Roger Olson’s essay recently posted here (, it could be helpful to post some examples from Calvin (as a representative of Calvinism) that invite the sort of remonstration (= objection) made by Olson and other Arminians against Calvinism. Today we post a few examples of highly unbiblical and therefore objectionable doctrine from Calvin. Tomorrow, we plan to post comments from John Wesley in the same vein as Olson’s (but more forceful and fiery).
John Calvin not only taught that God willed the fall of Adam, but that He ordained it as well. Here are some quotes:
Again they object: were they not previously predestined by God’s
ordinance to that corruption which is now claimed as the cause of
condemnation? When, therefore, they perish in their corruption, they
but pay the penalties of that misery in which Adam fell by the
New Research On the Level of Calvinism vs. Arminianism in the SBC
New Research On the Level of Calvinism vs. Arminianism in the SBC:
As Baptists Prepare to Meet, Calvinism Debate Shifts to Heresy Accusation
A Christianity Today article: Weston Gentry, “As Baptists Prepare to Meet, Calvinism Debate Shifts to Heresy Accusation: Hundreds, including seminary presidents, have signed a statement on salvation criticized by both Reformed and Arminian theologians.” Here…
Corporate Election
Reputable Arminian Steve Witzki has contributed substantially to the Wikipedia article on “Corporate Election.” Steve has helped to make the Wikipedia article an excellent source of information about this biblical doctrine.
Response to Piper’s “What Made It OK for God to Kill Women, Children in Old Testament?”
This was written by SEA member Bob Anderson in response to John Piper’s recent post “What Made It OK for God to Kill Women, Children in Old Testament?” He gave us permission to post it…

Bruce A. Ware, “Extent of the Atonement”
Ware is a 4 point Calvinist who affirms unlimited atonement. This overview of the issue of the extent of the atonement is useful for its arguments against limited atonement (see the attachment). But beware of…
Sermons from Trinity Evangelical church from an Arminian Perspective Online
Sermons from an Arminian perspective by Wendel Brane, Dennis Laub, and Ted Rapone of Trinity Evangelical Church may be found online at, and Ted Rapone’s may also be found online at
Brian Abasciano, “Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:1-9: An Intertextual and Theological Exegesis”
This is the author’s doctoral dissertation (in the attachment below), which has been published in a shortened form under the same title by T & T Clark in its Journal for the Study of the…
Jeff Weddle’s Expositional Sermons Online
Pastor and SEA member Jeff Weddle’s expositional sermons may be found online at

Joshua Johnson’s Expositional Sermons Online
Pastor and SEA member Joshua Johnson’s expositional sermons (“pericope by pericope” rather than “verse by verse” style) may be found online here. The church he currently serves also has a podcast for which he is…
Our Official Comment on Billy Birch’s Recent Situation
We are disturbed and saddened by reports that former SEA member William Birch was arrested Saturday 3/17/12 and charged with sexual assault against another Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary student (on the whole matter, see,…
David Pawson, “Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters?”
A description of this 3 part series from Pawson’s website followed by a link to each part:
Dr. Olson’s Further Thoughts about Catastrophes and God
by Roger Olson This is a response to comments made in response to my previous post about John Piper’s blog entry about the recent tornado outbreak in the eastern U.S. True, in this particular blog…
Dr. Greg Boyd’s Response to John Piper’s Statements about God and Tornadoes
We here at SEA disagree with Dr. Boyd about certain aspects of his theology. Still, we felt that his statements on this topic were worth hearing:
Are Natural Disasters The Will of God?
Answers from some of the faculty at Asbury Seminary to the question, “Are natural disasters the will of God?”: