Michael Brown, “The Newtown Massacre and the Pain of God” — http://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2012/12/17/the-newtown-massacre-and-the-pain-of-god-n1468169/page/full/
Posts By SEA
John M. Wiley, “Distinguishing Classical Arminianism from Semi-Pelagianism: An Attempt to Liberate Jacobus Arminius from Fallacious Claims and Popular Misconceptions about His Theology”
Please click on the attachment to view: John M. Wiley, “Distinguishing Classical Arminianism from Semi-Pelagianism: An Attempt to Liberate Jacobus Arminius from Fallacious Claims and Popular Misconceptions about His Theology.” This is a graduate paper…
3-2-1 Gospel Presentation: The Story of God, the World, and You
A wonderful gospel presentation with Arminian overtones (e.g., “You and I were made to hear his [God’s] verdict [upon us], ‘You are my child who I love, with you I am well pleased’”): The video…
Dr. Vic Reasoner, “Golden Chain or Iron Padlock”
Click on the attachment: Golden Chain or Iron Padlock (Reasoner)
John Wesley, “The Question, ‘What Is an Arminian?’ Answered by a Lover of Free Grace”
(Taken from http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umhistory/wesley/arminian/) The Question, “What Is an Arminian?” Answered by a Lover of Free Grace by John Wesley 1. To say, “This man is an Arminian,” has the same effect on many hearers, as…
Robert E. Picirilli, “Foreknowledge, Freedom, and the Future”
Robert E. Picirilli, “Foreknowledge, Freedom, and the Future”, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 43/2 (June 2000) 259–271.
Roger Olson, “Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Arminian”
Roger Olson, “Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Arminian” “Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Arminian” by Roger Olson (published in Christianity Today [September 6, 1999])
The Problem with Deterministic Arguments
Some time ago, I had a conversation with a brother named Stephen over at SBC Tomorrow, in which we discussed philosophical determinism and the role it plays in discussions of divine election. I had been…
One Arminian’s Perspective on Election, God’s Foreknowledge, and Free Will
Most Christians who have not been taught specifically Reformed doctrine have little or no comprehension of divine election. The message of the Gospel goes out to all, and people who hear it freely believe or…
Comments on Divine Hardening of the Human Heart by the NET Bible: Isaiah 6:10 and 63:17
The following comments are quoted from the NET Bible (The Net Bible – Copyright (2004) Biblical Studies Foundation. The home page of the NET Bible is http://www.bible.org/category.php?scid=5&category_id=71&parent_id=0). They are completely consistent with an Arminian understanding of God’s hardening of human hearts.
On Isaiah 6:10
Great Comments on Corporate Election, Apostasy, and Rom 8:28-39
Here are some great comments from B.J. Oropeza, who holds to corporate election, tying in corporate election with the doctrine of perseverance and Rom 8:28-39: Our perspective of 1 Corinthians 10 and Romans 9-11 calls…
A Concise Summary of the Corporate View of Election and Predestination
Here is an excellent concise summary of the doctrines of conditional election and predestination from the corporate election perpective, which differs from the traditional Arminian view of individual election based on foreseen faith. Both the…
Contradiction Alert: Calvinist Scholar John Feinberg on Ethics
One of our members, named Robert, recently made some comments in our private discussion group about an interview that Justin Taylor did with Calvinist scholar John Feinberg, pointing out how they contradict Calvinist doctrine and draw on Arminian doctrine when they talk about ethics. His comments have been edited a little and pasted in below:
I listened to Justin Taylor’s recently posted interview with John Feinberg and heard some real contradictions between Feinberg’s views in the area of ethics and his views on compatibilism/soft determinism.
To set the stage, John Feinberg is a Calvinist who calls himself a
soft determinist/compatibilist and he presented the Calvinist view in
SOVEREIGNTY & HUMAN FREEDOM (other contributors included Pinnock,
Timothy C. Tennent, Review of Rob Bell, Love Wins
Here is a four part review of Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins, by Arminian scholar and President of Asbury Theological Seminary, Dr. Timothy C. Tennent Part 1: http://timothytennent.com/2011/03/love-wins-part-one-why-rob-bell-needs-to-return-to-seminary%E2%80%A6-and-bring-along-quite-a-few-contemporary-evangelical-pastors/ Part 2: http://timothytennent.com/2011/03/why-rob-bell-needs-to-return-to-seminary%e2%80%a6-and-bring-along-quite-a-few-contemporary-evangelical-pastors/ Part 3: http://timothytennent.com/2011/03/part-three-why-rob-bell-needs-to-return-to-seminary-and-bring-along-quite-a-few-contemporary-evangelical-pastors-cont/ Part…
Some Good News: New Barna Study Reveals that There Is No Significant Growth in Numbers Towards Calvinism among Church Leaders
For the past decade, the well known polling organization, the Barna Group, has been tracking the numbers of pastors who identify their churches as “Calvinist or Reformed” vs. “Wesleyan or Arminian”. The report of their…
One of our memnbers commented that Bob Passantino was a great apologist for the Christian faith, extremely well read and knowledgeable, who died prematurely and that he was also an outspoken critic of Calvinism. Here…
Why I Am an Arminian, Part 2 of 2
This is the second half of a paper, the first half of which attempted to make a positive case for Arminianism. This second half deals with objections that Calvinists have traditionally made to Arminianism, and offers answers to those objections from the Arminian point of view.
Objections from Reformed Theology
The above outline [in part 1] of the Arminian position purposely makes its case without reference to the Calvinistic objections that have been made to the various points. A summary of these follows. (It should go without saying that this section does not pretend to give an orderly or complete presentation of the Calvinist position. It merely responds point by point to the Arminian position represented above.) Letters in parentheses refer to the acronym TULIP, and thus to the various points of “five point” Calvinism.
Why I Am an Arminian, Part 1 of 2
The following paper is meant to be an overview of what I believe with regard to the doctrine of Divine election. The first half, contained in this post, will explain why Arminianism–the rejection of unconditional divine election of specific individuals to salvation–is so often defended only in reaction to the Calvinist position, and will attempt to make a positive, Biblical case for Arminianism, without specific reference to the Calvinist position. The second half of the paper will discuss the Calvinist critique of Arminianism and attempt to respond to that critique from the Arminian point of view. The paper as a whole is merely intended to be an overview, not an exhaustive examination of the issues that surround divine election; a close exegetical study of the Biblical passages that bear upon divine election is necessary to decide upon one position or another.
Should a Calvinist and an Arminian (Or Other Theologically Divided Believers) Marry?
Russell Moore, “Should We Marry if We’re Theologically Divided?” We offer the above link of an example of our heart when we think of our Calvinist siblings in the Lord. This article deals with a…
The Calvinist View of Foreknowledge Makes God the Cause and Author of All Sin and Evil
One of our members commented concisely and incisively in our private discussion group (slightly revised here): In Calvinism God cannot see into the future. He only knows what will happen because He will make it…