Please click on the attachment to view Klein, William W. “PAUL’S USE OF KALEIN: A PROPOSAL” (published in JETS 27/1 [March 1984] 53-64). Klein. Paul’s Use of Kalein

Please click on the attachment to view Klein, William W. “PAUL’S USE OF KALEIN: A PROPOSAL” (published in JETS 27/1 [March 1984] 53-64). Klein. Paul’s Use of Kalein
This article can be viewed below on this page and is also contained in this pdf attachment (the pdf file retains the author’s formatting and uses footnotes while this page uses endnote style and has…
Please click on the attachment to view Richard Watson, On Omniscience, which is an excerpt from his Theological Institutes. This treatment of God’s omniscience contains an important discussion of the concepts of necessity, contingency, and…
Here’s a little theological humor in the form of a cartoon that can be related to the Calvinist doctrine of irresistible grace.
John Wesley (Perseverance)
This article is posted with the permission of Trinity Theological Journal and the author. Please click on the attachment to view Gordon C. I. Wong, “Make Their Ears Dull: Irony in Isaiah 6:9-10” Trinity Theological Journal 16 (2008) 24-34.
Here is the author’s abstract:
In Isaiah 6:9-10, the prophet appears to be commissioned by God to make the ears of the people dull in order to prevent them from repenting. This article begins by proposing that these verses are better understood as rhetorical irony designed to persuade the people to (and not prevent them from) repentance. An alternative rhetorical interpretation and three literal interpretations are also discussed and rejected in favour of the view that assumes the use of irony.
Check out a little theological humor in the attached chart of how different Christian denominations see each other. Given our theological bent, the way that evangelicals and charismatics are depicted as viewing the Reformed are…
Please click one of the attachments* to view Bruce Hollenbach, “Lest They Should Turn and Be Forgiven: Irony”, Bible Translator 34.3 (July 1983) 312-21. The ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials provides the following abstract of…
Please click on the attachment to view Mark A. Ellis, “Introduction to The Arminian Confession of 1621“, which is Ellis’ introduction to his scholarly translation of the historic confession (Mark A. Ellis [trans. and ed.],…
This article originally appeared in the Evangelical Journal 9 (1991) 27-39, and was taken from the website of John Mark Hicks, specifically this page: Please click on the attachment to view John Mark Hicks,…
SEA member Dr. Keith Stanglin and Dr. Thomas McCall have recently published a definitive overview of Arminius’ theology that is accessible to non-specialists: Keith D. Stanglin and Thomas H. McCall, Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace…
Please click on the attachment to view John Wesley, “PREDESTINATION CALMLY CONSIDERED”
A New York Times article from March 21, 2011: John Tierney, “Do You Have Free Will? Yes, It’s the Only Choice” Please keep in mind that this is a secular article and is not put…
Calvinist leader Justin Taylor has published on his blog a great post that really captures the attitude and approach of the Society of Evangelical Arminians (SEA) regarding Calvinists and Arminians receiving one another as brothers…
My Biggest Problem with Calvin/CalvinismRoger E. Olson Professor of Theology George W. Truett Theological Seminary Baylor University Above all I want to make clear that I admire and respect my Calvinist friends and colleagues. We…
Please click on the attachment to view Edgar, Thomas R. “THE MEANING OF PROGINWSKW (“FOREKNOWLEDGE”)” (published in Chafer Theological Seminary Journal 9 [Spring 2003] 43-80). Edgar. Foreknowledge
This article is taken from a chapter in Hoodwinked and Happy?: Evangelicals, Calvinism , and Why No One’s Answering the Problem of Evil, by Daniel Gracely, published by Grandma’s Attic Press, © 2006. Please note…
This article is taken from a chapter in Hoodwinked and Happy?: Evangelicals, Calvinism , and Why No One’s Answering the Problem of Evil, by Daniel Gracely, published by Grandma’s Attic Press, © 2006. Please note…
Dr. Fernandes, a 4 point Arminian and member of SEA, is President of the Institute of Biblical Defense. He is a Christian Apologist, Author and Pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship. Dr. Fernandes holds the following…
This is actually a book published in 1890 and amounting to 223 pages in the attached file. Please click on the attachment to view D. Fiske Harris, Calvinism: Contrary to God’s Word and Man’s Moral…