Arminian theologian Dr. Roger Olson, Foy Valentine Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics at Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University, spoke on Monday, November 11, 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the William J. Seymour…

Arminian theologian Dr. Roger Olson, Foy Valentine Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics at Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University, spoke on Monday, November 11, 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the William J. Seymour…
As most people who come here know, a “new Calvinism” movement (some prefer to call it “neo-Puritanism” and others call it the “Young, Restless, Reformed” movement is spreading like wildfire among evangelical Christians, especially young…
Christian theology teaches the doctrine of prevenient grace, which briefly stated means this, that before a man can seek God, God must first have sought the man. Before a sinful man can think a right…
Click on the link to view J. W. Wartick, “A Denial of Theological Determinism”.
Please click on the link to view An Interview with Arminius Scholar Dr. Keith Stanglin.
I will be responding to two new books about Arminius at the upcoming annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion. The session is A24-274 Evangelical Studies Group and Open and Relational Theologies Group (joint…
The following is from Donald C. Stamps, Life in the Spirit Study Bible, pp. 1962-63: The Greek words for apostasy appear twice in the NT in the noun form apostasia, (Acts 21:21; 2 Thes 2:3)…
[Taken from Please note: The edition of Philosophia Christi referred to is no longer the latest edition. We would also qualify the author’s definition of a “theological determinist” from being merely that God’s sovereignty extends meticulously…
Even though this video does not consider Arminian/Calvinist issues specifically, we include it here because the gospel is fundamental to our identity as evangelicals and to highlight how Arminians and Calvinists have the same basic…
I think it is fair to say that our contemporary Christian subculture is saturated in a Reformed theology. This isn’t necessarily bad. Many of these voices hail from brilliant scholars whose knowledge and wisdom adds…
by Brian Abasciano I just wanted to share some brief notes about my article, “The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace,” recently published here at the website of the Society…
The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace By Brian Abasciano (For a pdf file of the present article, see here.) The distinctive tenets of Arminian theology may…
this video, distinguished New Testament scholar Ben Witherington shares his reason why he’s not a Calvinist. You can also view the video at Dr. Witherington’s blog, where he interacts with commenters. Youtube:
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] Recently I posted here an imaginary conversation between a Calvinist and an Arminian—about God’s sovereignty. At one point I inserted a common comment made by especially intellectually…
[This post was taken from here, where comments can be made, and was originally a comment on this Roger Olson post.] Very nice essay, Roger. You’ve put your finger on a key internal tension within…
[This post was taken from here, where comments can be made.] One of the most basic impulses of Arminianism is that God is not the author of sin and evil—even indirectly. On this virtually everyone knowledgeable…
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] Due to the rise of what my friend Scot McKnight calls “neo-Puritanism” (what others have labeled “the new Calvinism” or just “resurgent Calvinism”) TULIP Calvinism is popping…
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] by Roger Olson A few months ago Abingdon Press (the United Methodist publisher) sent me the manuscript of a forthcoming (now published) book by my friend Don Thorsen…
The message was delivered at New Life Church in Renton, Washington. There is some introductory material at the beginning of the video. An introduction to Dr. Kowalski begins around 3:54 and the message starts at…
A version of this article has appeared in Trinity Journal 33 (2012) 3-18. Please click on the link to view John Mark Hicks, “Classic Arminianism and Open Theism: A Substantial Difference in Their Theologies of Providence”.