W. Robert Godfrey, President and Professor of Church History at Westminster Seminary California, has reviewed Keith D. Stanglin and Thomas H. McCall, Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). In his review,…

W. Robert Godfrey, President and Professor of Church History at Westminster Seminary California, has reviewed Keith D. Stanglin and Thomas H. McCall, Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). In his review,…
Please click on the link to view Ronnie Rogers, “Is Libertarian Free Will Eternal?“
Austin Fischer, Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed (Cascade Books, 2014). Many young Christians throughout the last decade have been on a similar journey. They have faith in Jesus Christ, a passion to share God’s love with the…
[This post was taken from http://gloria-deo.blogspot.com/2014/03/st-justin-on-pre-determinism.html ] For me, one great attraction of the theology of the Wesleys (and indeed other Anglicans like C.S. Lewis) is their strong assertion that we humans really are responsible agents,…
Several times I have argued here that a main reason high Calvinism (double predestinarianism) must be wrong is that if it were true God would not be good in any meaningful sense. If it were…
Suppose someone said “God is sovereign but God’s sovereignty is different from our ideas of sovereignty. God is sovereign but possesses only the power of persuasion.” Someone else objects saying “But wait. There is no…
We are starting up something new on the site. We normally post one new post a day Monday through Friday. But now, on most days, including weekend days, we plan to be put up an…
By “impossible” I don’t mean, of course, “doesn’t exist.” I mean “exists but doesn’t work.” By “doesn’t work” I mean “cannot be believed consistently and coherently.” In brief, my argument is that belief in the…
Please click on the link to view John Wesley and William Carpenter, Wesleyana, Or A Complete System of Wesleyan Theology Selected from the Writings of the Rev. John Wesley (Revised, enlarged, and an index added; New…
This issue of the Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry is the second of two dedicated to exploring the soteriological issues addressed by “A Statement of the Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation” as a result…
This issue of the Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry is the first of two dedicated to exploring the soteriological issues addressed by “A Statement of the Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation” as a result…
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be responding, directly and indirectly, to some questions and thoughts surrounding the book [ed. note: the author’s book, Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed]. In the next couple of posts,…
Here is the audio from the debate between Austin Fischer, the author of Young, Restless and No Longer Reformed, and Calvinist apologist Dr. James White on Unbelievable Radio from February or March of 2014. For a review of the debate…
One of the questions I’m asked most often is about God’s providence in Arminian theology. Most people know that Arminians do not believe that God micromanages history or human lives–especially not in terms of evil.…
A minor controversy exists among Arminian scholars (and some non-Arminian Reformed scholars have chimed in) about whether classical Arminianism can legitimately lay claim to being part of the Reformed theological tradition. The question is this:…
[This post was taken from Dr. Pinson’s blog.] Recently I read a blog post by Roger Olson on how one does not have to agree with Arminius to be an Arminian. It can be found here.…
Please click on the link to view Robert W. Wall, Colossians (IVP New testament Commentary Series; Downer’s Grove: IVP, 1993).
Please click on the link to view G. Walter Hansen, Galatians (IVP New testament Commentary Series; Downer’s Grove: IVP, 1994).
Please click on the link to view Gordon Fee, Philippians (IVP New testament Commentary Series; Downer’s Grove: IVP, 1999). Dr. Fee is an immensely distinguished biblical scholar and exegete. From his Regent College faculty page (accessed…
Click on the link to view Craig S. Keener, Matthew (IVP New testament Commentary Series; Downer’s Grove: IVP, 1997). Keener is a tremendously distinguished scholar. According to his faculty page, he is presently (Feb 2014) Professor…