Calvinists and Arminians agree that God “accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will” because so says Ephesians 1:11 and the entire testimony of Scripture. Both, however, interpret this differently. John Calvin, facing this…

Calvinists and Arminians agree that God “accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will” because so says Ephesians 1:11 and the entire testimony of Scripture. Both, however, interpret this differently. John Calvin, facing this…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Limited Atonement & The Trinity – Review of Letham’s Chapter in From Heaven He Came & Sought Her“. This is part 17 of Allen’s review of From Heaven…
Andrew H. shared this testimony about turning from Calvinism and embracing Arminianism at the X Calvinist Corner of the Arminian Perspectives blog (see here for the testimony at its original location): 1) How did you become…
Please click on the link to view Lydia McGrew, “Before the Mountains Were Brought Forth: A Defense of Divine Timelessness,” The Christendom Review: A Journal of the Philosophia Perennis 6.1 (2014).
Often my Calvinist friends say that the reason they are Calvinists is because of total depravity—that the entire Calvinistic system flows from total depravity, because there is no way to rescue people from their total…
This debate took place on Wednesday, August 27, 2014, with Mark Galli moderating at Missio Dei Church, Wrigleyville, Chicago, IL. Youtube:
This debate took place on Wednesday, August 27, 2014, with Mark Galli moderating at Missio Dei Church, Wrigleyville, Chicago, IL. Youtube:
For many years I was a mild Calvinist. By definition there should be no such thing as a mild Calvinist. One is in or one is out. But it teaches some things that are surely…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of Schreiner’s Chapter “Problematic Texts for Definite Atonement in the Pastoral and General Epistles” in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.” This is part 15…
This debate is scheduled for tonight, Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 7:00pm – 8:30pm with Mark Galli moderating at Missio Dei Church: Wrigleyville, Chicago, IL. You can watch it live at, and it will be posted on YouTube later this week.…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review – Donald Macleod, “’Definite Atonement and the Divine Decree,’ in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.“ This is part 16 of Allen’s review of From Heaven…
[This post was taken from SBC Today, where comments can be made and read.] Does God Desire All to Be Saved? By John Piper. Wheaton: Crossway, 2013. 56 pages. Paperback, $9.99. A book review by Dr.…
PROOF – a review and commentary Published by Zondervan, PROOF, the book was read very clearly by Josh Aaron. Not too fast and with a marked absence of high school drama and distracting preachiness. Well…
Please click on the link to view Sid Litke, “Why Is There Suffering?”
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” — John 3:16 (NRSV). JOHN CALVIN COMMENTS: “’That whosoever believeth on…
Please click on the link to view Relevant Magazine’s Interview with Roger Olson on Calvinism. “Roger E. Olson, author of Against Calvinism and an Arminian, is convinced that Calvinism represents a serious departure from the revealed truths about God…
Please click on the link to access the audio, Episode of Trinity Radio: Braxton Hunter/Paul Cooper Debate Recap. In this audio Braxton Hunter and Johnathan Pritchett discuss Braxton’s debate with Calvinist pastor and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary…
Please click on the link to access the audio, “Is Calvinism True?” Debate: Paul Cooper vs. Braxton Hunter.” From Trinity Seminary’s website: This debate on the question “Is Calvinism True?” was held on June 8th, 2014…
Please click on the link to view “‘Traditional’ Southern Baptists counter Calvinism.” Please note, this is a report on the June 6-8, 2014 Whosoever Will Conference at Northwest Baptist Church and we do not necessarily…
[This post was taken from SBCToday where the original post and comments can be found.] Ed’s. note: SBCToday became aware of Doug Sayers through this blog site. His notation of being a former Calvinist piqued…