A Response to James Anderson on John 3:16 by Brian Abasciano James Anderson has responded to my article debunking the claim made by some Calvinists such as himself and James White concerning the term “whoever”…

A Response to James Anderson on John 3:16 by Brian Abasciano James Anderson has responded to my article debunking the claim made by some Calvinists such as himself and James White concerning the term “whoever”…
Greek scholar Bill Mounce has weighed in on the question of whether “whoever” is in the text of John 3:16. Please click on the link to view William Mounce, “Does John 3:16 Say ‘Whoever’?” For related…
Consider 3:16 (a) God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that (b) whoeverbelieves in him shall not perish but have eternal life. On his Dividing Line podcast of March 27, 2018, James White, Director of Alpha and Omega Ministries,…
Please click on the link to view Ryan N. Danker, “Constrained to Deviate: John Wesley and the Evangelical Anglicans” (Th.D. dissertation; Boston University School of Theology, 2012). This is the author’s doctoral dissertation. And here is…
I had the privilege of taking a class with William Lane Craig on divine omniscience this past January and he had us respond to this argument by the Open Theist philosopher William Hasker: It is now true that…
From the creators of the Sinnergists Podcast: The Sinnergists Podcast If one is looking for a podcast that goes deeper than your average sermon, one is most likely to come across a Reformed Podcast. There…
Below is my response to Dominic’s follow-up rebuttal of my post concerning the purpose of regeneration in Calvinism. You can read my response to his first reply here. It is quite lengthy because the discussion primarily turns on issues of exegesis, and…
Below is an answer offered by “Dominic” to my post on the purpose of regeneration in the Calvinist scheme, with my response to his answer interspersed. He also touches on my post concerning the Arminian ordo. I was originally…
Calvinists make a big deal out of the need for regeneration before one can believe. For them this is the primary function of regeneration. Regeneration irresistibly causes a faith response, and without this regeneration, faith…
You can access the Free Thinking Ministries podcast of Brian Abasciano responding to James White on John 3:16 at Free Thinking Ministries’ website here.
“Communication Breakdown over John 3:16: A Reply to Guillaume Bignon and James A. Gibson” by Brian Abasciano I recently responded to the use of an untenable grammatical argument regarding John 3:16 that contends that the…
“Whoever Reads John 3:16 Can Know that ‘Whoever’ Is Really There” by Brian Abasciano There is an untenable grammatical argument contending that John 3:16 supports limited atonement that has recently received some attention. James White…
Here is a very interesting, and I would say “insightful,” message sent to me by a Christian worker with young people (some of who are being drawn into Calvinism by the Young, Restless, Reformed Movement).…
In “Calvinism’s Gospel Tautology,” I argued that there are two possible Calvinist renderings of Jesus’ words in John 3:16. The first puts these words in Jesus’ mouth: “whoever (of those who cannot believe) does believe: those…
Please click on the link to view “New Study: Belief in Free Will Linked to Ability to Behave Morally and to Help Others.”
Christians find much comfort from these words of Christ: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish…” Many…
This is the author’s doctoral dissertation completed for the University of Waterloo in 1980. The author’s abstract is included below. To access the dissertation, please click on the link: Thomas Edward Dow, “The Evangelical Ecumenism of James…
Recently I was listening to a sermon on the doctrine of election from a prominent evangelical Bible teacher. I actually thought he did a good job of presenting arguments in favour of the Calvinist understanding…
Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Craig Keener on Romans This is the tenth of 18 lectures by Dr. Craig Keener of Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, on the book of Romans. The video may also be…
Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Craig Keener on Romans This is the tenth of 18 lectures by Dr. Craig Keener of Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, on the book of Romans. The video may also be…