In a blog post earlier this year in which I discussed the resurgence of Calvinism and what we might learn from Calvinism, it occurred to me that I never really defined Calvinism. So, for those who don’t…
Posts By SEA
Keith Stanglin, “The Resurgence of Calvinism”
In 2009, Time magazine called “New Calvinism” one of the “10 ideas changing the world right now.” This resurgence was famously documented in Collin Hansen’s book from 2008, Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey with the New…
Wesleyan Catechism
Wesleyan has a Wesleyan catechism for adults and one for children. You can view them through this link: Wesleyan Catechisms.
Roger Olson, “Calvinism and Arminianism Compared”
*Note: The below is not copyrighted material, but I would appreciate it if you pass it on or use it in any form you include my name as its author. This is intended for use…
In Memorium: Grant Osborne
Here are some obituaries for distinguished Arminian scholar Grant Osborne: From Trinity International University: “Longtime TEDS professor Grant R. Osborne dies at 76” From Scott McKnight: Grant Osborne From the Lexham Press Blog: “Remembering Grant…
Keith Stanglin, “Calvinism and the Assurance of Salvation”
In earlier blog posts, I discussed the resurgence of “New Calvinism” in evangelicalism and described some of its main tenets and implications. In this long-delayed continuation of the series, I want to raise the issue of…
Roger Olson, “Again with ‘Good God’ and Calvinism”
Throughout the years of this blog (and before and outside of it) I have wrestled with people objecting most strenuously to my contention that true, historical, consistent Calvinism undermines the goodness of God. If God foreordains…
Roy Ingle, “Did God Cause The Fall of Man?”
The debate over the sovereignty of God often takes a strange turn whenever you begin to discuss the issue as it concerns the fall of humanity into sin. No one in the entire Christian world…
Roy Ingle, “Are You Timid About Sharing Your Faith?”
Tonight I was watching several videos on of street preachers and a little of “The Way of the Master” program with Paul Washer on evangelism. I also browsed several books at Amazon on evangelism. There are…
Michael Egnor, “More Than Material Minds”
As a Christian and a neuroscientist, I keep learning that to be human is to have a soul. Please click on the link to view Michael Egnor, “More Than Material Minds,” Christianity Today September 14, 2014.
Roy Ingle, “Do Arminians Truly Embrace God’s Sovereignty?”
One of the attacks often aimed toward Arminian theology is that Arminians do not believe in the sovereignty of God. It is argued by Calvinists that their theology embraces the absolute sovereignty of God in…
Hilary Yancey, “My Son’s Suffering Helped Me Understand God’s Suffering”
The birth of my child transformed my view of the “problem of pain” and divine foreknowledge. Please click on the link to view Hilary Yancey, “My Son’s Suffering Helped Me Understand God’s Suffering.”
Roy Ingle, “Arminius on Water Baptism”
The following is taken from The Works of Arminius on baptism. Arminius held to baptism by sprinking and he also practiced and taught infant baptism as can be seen from this article. This is one area of…
John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism
Please click on the link to view James Alex. Macdonald, Wesley’s Revision of the Shorter Catechism with Notes (Edinburgh: George A. Morton, 1906). The full title is Wesley’s Revision of The Shorter Catechism Agreed Upon by the…
Daniel LaLond Jr., “Moody Church’s Dr. Lutzer Out Of Step With Founders”
Unknown to his supporters, the respected pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, annuls key biblical texts with strange, unorthodox interpretations. By doing so, this modern evangelical icon promises paradise to the…
Steve Witzki, “Is Perseverance in Faith Necessary to Obtain Final Salvation?”
“Final perseverance implies final faithfulness—he that endures to the end shall be saved—he that is faithful unto death shall have a crown of life. And will any man attempt to say that he who does…
James Arminius’ 20 Reasons for Rejecting Theodore Beza’s Supralapsarian Predestination
1. It is not the foundation of Christianity of salvation, or of its certainty. 2. It comprises within it neither the whole nor any part of the Gospel. 3. It was never admitted, decreed, or…
Steve Witzki, “Free Grace or Forced Grace”
Steve Witzki, “Free Grace or Forced Grace,” The Arminian Magazine 19.1 (Spring 2001) In his well known sermon “Free Grace,” John Wesley said that the “grace or love of God, whence cometh our salvation, is FREE…
William Lane Craig, The Atonement
Please click on the link to view William Lane Craig, The Atonement (Elements in the Philosophy of Religion; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) (doi:10.1017/9781108558020). Here is an abstract: The Atonement offers in a concise compass an…
Brief Video: J. Warner Wallace, “How Can We Reconcile God’s Sovereignty with Man’s Free Will?”
J. Warner Wallace is interviewed by Brittany Valadez about the complex relationship between God’s sovereign knowledge and man’s free agency. If God is in control, how can humans truly experience free will?The video can also…