VIDEO: How Prevenient Grace “Works”

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This YouTube video was published February 26, 2023:

From the Description:

I share my thoughts and then quotes from a few Arminian authors to see what Arminians think the Holy Spirit is doing when we talk about “prevenient grace”.

Remember the Holy Spirit is striving with all people in some measure:

“There is no man, unless he has quenched the Spirit, that is wholly void of the grace of God. … Every man has a greater or less measure of this, which waiteth not for the call of man.” (John Wesley)

“Because God desires that everyone be saved (1 Tim. 2:4), He sends Jesus to give His light to everyone (John 1:9) & draw everyone to Himself (John 12:32) & He pours out His Spirit on everyone (Joel 2:28) so that the Spirit can convict everyone (John 16:8).” (Matthew Pinson)

“God is even gracious to those who do not think of Him.” (James Arminius)