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Friday Files

Friday Files, 3 January 2020

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Happy tenth day of Christmas! It’s the St. Daniel of Padua’s Day edition of the Friday Files. It may be a new year (and new decade, for that matter) but we’re still gonna look back…

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FWS Podcast: Revivals in History

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In these lectures Douglas Crossman discusses revivals throughout history. If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Part 1 If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Part 2 

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Friday Files

Friday Files, 27 December 2019

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Happy third day of Christmas! It’s the St. John’s Day edition of the Friday Files. Y’know how the media likes to look back at the previous year (and in years which end in 9, the…

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Friday Files, 20 December 2019

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It’s the St. Katherine Luther Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly look into the articles and links that fill our archives. The views expressed in them are frequently those of SEA, but not…

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Friday Files, 14 December 2019

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Okay, I posted the Friday Files on Saturday again. Sorry. Technical difficulties. So it’s the St. Spiridon’s Day edition instead of the St. Lucia’s Day edition; nothing for or against either ancient Christian. Besides which,…

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Josh Thibodaux, “The One”

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[The following is an expanded version of a devotional I wrote for a friend’s ministry newsletter] “For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to…

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Expository Sermons by Arminian Scholar Douglas Stuart

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Audio files of expository sermons by Arminian scholar Douglas Stuart are available online at About Dr. Stuart (from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s website, accessed 12/9/19): Expertise: Biblical Interpretation, Old Testament Studies, Exegetical Method, Biblical and Oriental…

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Friday Files, 6 December 2019

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Happy St. Nicholas’s Day! (Yes, he’s a real person; yes he has a feast day; yes it’s this early in the month.) In the spirit of gift-giving, here’s the Friday Files, our bags of SEA…

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