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Friday Files

Friday Files, 27 September 2019

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It’s the St. Thomas Traherne’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our once-a-week substitute for new content. Well, the introduction’s new. And the summaries. So here we look back at previous SEA posts and links.…

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Never Really Saved to Begin With? Part 2

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Calvinists, who deny that salvation can ever be lost, reason on the subject in a marvelous way. They tell us that no virgin’s lamp can go out; no promising harvest be choked with thorns; no branch in Christ can ever be…

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When Does a Person Lose Salvation?

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On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. The following is a question…

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Friday Files

Friday Files, 20 September 2019

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It’s the St. Fausta of Cyzicus’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our sixth-day look back at SEA posts and links of years ago. Sometimes they reflect SEA’s views; sometimes not. Sometimes members’ names are…

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Friday Files

Friday Files, 13 September 2019

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It’s the St. John Chrysostom’s Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly review of what we posted and linked to in days gone by. They don’t always reflect SEA’s views, but we included them…

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Friday Files

Friday Files, 6 September 2019

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It’s St. Onesiphorus’s Day (he’s in the New Testament), and it’s the Friday Files. Once again, I summarize what SEA has put on our website in previous years, and you go, “Think I’ll read that……

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Friday Files

Friday Files, 30 August 2019

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It’s the St. Alexander of Constantinople’s Day edition of the Friday Files. Well unless you’re Roman Catholic, in which case you figure his feast day was two days ago. But one of the bonuses of…

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